Windows says 8123 is denying access

I used the latest haos_ova-10.0. I updated core and supervisor

I have not intentionally done anything to the router. It was unattended for a week when this happened.

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And do you run your HA over WIFI ? ( are your windows machine where you installed VMware and HA. connected to your network, through WIFI ??? , or cable ?

this is from the windows machine that Virtualbox/Linux is running on

It looks like MacOS automatically adds www when an address can’t be found (i’ll never understand the reasoning of Mac’s)

Anyway, what this whole topic lacks (i’ve been monitoring a while now) is some structure.

  • What kind of network is setup for VM? Bridged, NAT, host only?? (it should be bridged)
  • To which interface has it been bound?? (should be your wired network)
  • Can you use telnet to confirm port 8123 is open on ?

the network says WIFI but that’s just the name of the router. I need to fix that eventually.

That’s not the answer to my question …
and why do you call your “Ethernet” connection for “Scotts WIFI network” ? … are you joking ?

I asked you 3times or so in regards to DNS, then you have this “bogus” dns-suffix

aceindy…answers to questions.

As I mentioned earlier, nothing changed between the 6 months of working perfectly and failure.

  • Network is Bridged to wireless network (I know its NAMED Wi-Fi and that’s an error I’m trying to solve but any WIFI to this machine has been disabled (I’ve checked by disconnecting ethernet and losing my connection with the vm.

  • Vm says its bridged to Intel(r) Ethernet Connection I219-V (see below)

-can you please instruct me as to how to use telnet to confirm port?

I don’t know where that’s being introduced. All the adapters are showing with a secondary of Digging into that now

so it seems that my Verizon router (FIOS) uses that url for DNS. Seems that it loops back to (the address of the router).

ok, never seen/heard about such a “weird/pointless” solution (this should in my world not be default settings, on a network interface), to me it just looks like it could mess up things

Open a command prompt and:

When port is not open (f.e.8122)

no luck…what am I doing wrong. Tried on Windows machine, VM and a Mac on the network.

what will happen in a system where windows 10(default) is running mDNS (where he has his VM, bridged on and interface with hardcoded connection-specific-dns-suffix) ( i dont know if he ever restarted the windows machine ! ) and a Mac-computer running it’s own “variant” of mDNS ? and in consideration that his HA has changed IP number maybe 10 times recently

the win machine has been restarted multiple times. The router, the switch and the MAC have all been power cycled after changes.

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use this to telnet in windows

Go to control panel / add and remove programs / add features
and include telnet client :wink:

That is why we first use IP address
(I don’t rely on mDNS at all, very unstable and not working 1/2 of the time)


true thou i always ONLY use IP on my internal network, thou i can’t say if all APPS(in windows), and Integrations/ADD-ONS(in HA) use this as first choice, it seems like it doesn’t when going through my mDNS cache, and i never heard of a Router ( Verizon ) who per default adds hardcoded “connection-specific-dns-suffix” to all network interfaces ( well i don’t know if that counts virtual interface as in VM’s )

Here you go