Wink Climate / Sensi Thermostat: Stops updating

Hi all,

I have a Sensi thermostat. I following the docs instruction to link my thermostat to wink and setup a developer account.

My issue is that after several hours, Home assistant stops receiving updates from the thermostat. The temperature and settings never change in the UI, however I can still press the buttons and make the thermostat turn on.

Homeassistant reboot will kick things into gear for several more hours. I am running the docker image on ubuntu. The wink and sensi apps always function without issue.

Have done some searching and I’m not the only one having this problem, but I haven’t found any solution that works for me.

any ideas?

The last thread you linked to is probably the issue you are having. There are some comments towards the bottom about a test script that seems to work for some users. Would it be possible for you to test that out as well?

In the 3rd referenced topic there is talk about a test script. Run it and that should correct your problem temporarily. It has solved my state update issues and w1ll1am23 could use a few more testers.

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Thanks folks for the suggestions. Sorry for the late response. Happy to say that I got my problem solved by upgrading to the new RC of home assistant. On 0.90 now and I am getting the wink updates successfully. My only concern now is that the Climate card in the UI is slow to respond to input. turning on the thermostat takes about 10-15 seconds to change in the UI and let me start updating temps, etc. Im hoping to convince my wife to switch to HA instead of the Sensi app and I’m sure the delay will cause her problems.

The issue with that is you are sending an update to Wink and Wink is sending it to Sensi and wait for their response and then forwarding that back to HA. 15 seconds seems a bit log but when you are talking to an API via another API there isn’t much that can be done about it.

Someone should make a Sensi component that uses their API directly not through Wink similar to how the Rheem/econet water heater was done.

Ok well that makes sense. Is there any way to do an “optimistic mode” of some sort that would allow HA to assume the state has changed, allowing the user to get on with things?

It’s probably something that could be done. The problem is Wink sends back the state right away with the previous state. I can try to take a look, but not sure when I’ll get the chance.

Sounds good, thank you for all your work.

By the way, today I tried a workaround by creating my own slider and dropdown for temp and mode, with an automation instead of the build-in thermostat card. Unfortunately it didn’t help much. The thermostat seems to ignore my inputs sometimes. Maybe if one call is still processing it ignores the next? I don’t know.

- alias: 'Climate Frontend'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_number.thermo_slider
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_select.thermo_mode
  # send the values to the climate service
    - service: climate.set_operation_mode
      entity_id: climate.thermostat
        operation_mode: >
          {{ states.input_select.thermo_mode.state }}
    - service: climate.set_temperature
      entity_id: climate.thermostat
        temperature: >
          {{ states.input_number.thermo_slider.state | int }}