Wink Hub 2 Help

I have a question,

I am thinking of re-configuring my network and would be placing my Wink Hub 2 on a different router, I currently have one network running for my security cameras and everything else incl my 2 Google Home Mini’s & 2 Roku’s are on a different network (Completely different WAN IP’s and local IP). I would need to change the IP address of my HA Machine so is it possible to apply for new developer account with Wink to account for the configuration change of my HA machine?

There’s no need to to create a new account. You won’t need to do anything. Once the initial setup is complete you don’t need to run through the setup again unless you reinstall and even then if you move the .wink.conf over you won’t need to.

Ah ok thank you,

I won’t be reinstalling I’ll just be putting my HA machine on a different network.

So changing the IP from (this is the IP I used when setting up the Wink developer account) to say won’t cause any issues with the Wink Hub? I’ll also be moving that onto the same network.

Nope no issues. The only issue you could have is if you didn’t have home assistant and the hub on the same network and they couldn’t talk directly, which would break local control. Since you are going to have them on the same network it’s not an issue.

Awesome thank you so much for your help.

I have also ordered a USB Zigbee/Z-Wave adapter. I have 6 spare bulbs that I want to try. I’ll probably transition everything over if all goes well. Especially after what I read today about Wink.