Wink/PubNub not updating

jlvandusen, have you filed a problem with Home Assistant?

I agree with @jlvandusen. The Wink2 hub was a great piece of equipment. Still is… but the rest of wink has made me lose confidence. I am slowly moving everything off my wink and direct to HA.

I submitted a ticket to wink yesterday after they said they fixed it and it still wasn’t working with HA, but I have gotten no response yet.

Oddly, this morning I found I can sometines control things connected to my wink hub through HA again, but states still are not reporting correctly. :thinking:

I heard a rumour that Wink was trying to move their push updates in house so they stop paying PubNub every month. Its possible that they are now using that push method in the app not PubNub? And that’s why HA still isn’t working?

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Unknown if related or not, but I can’t authenticate into now. (It’s supposed to use my GitHub credentials just like this site does, so I know it isn’t me forgetting my credentials.)

What’s the wink to hass translation component? I attempted to migrate from wink to local zwave/zigbee a few weeks ago and bailed. Hardly any of my devices were recognized and or worked.

Any help there is making that easier I will take!

OH! Okay so I decided to go and proxy the official Android app and see whats going on. I was right! They aren’t using PubNub anymore. Which isn’t great news. They are now using “” and I doubt I will be able to find any documentation on it :frowning: I will keep digging but this means no more pubnub basically, and no more push updates.


So, if no more pubnub… does that mean until they release details of their api changes, wink/HA will remain broken? (Basically until they allow us to access the new notifier component?)

Well I am activity looking at it now. It looks like everything is laid out the same. Kinda like they just implemented PubNub locally on their servers and aren’t hosting it over at PubNub. I think I may be able to put something together real quick for some people to test? Who can?

I should be home in like 2 hours and will help out if no one else jumps in before then. :+1:

I’m in! Let me know what to do!

I’m in 2 for testing !!

Okay everyone give this a shot.

This isn’t the final update, but it forces the pubnubsub-handler library that HA uses to use and that is all. So if my theory is correct and all they did was move the hosting over to their servers I think this will work.

Just unzip this in your HA config folder as long as you don’t have any other custom components.


Holy cow @w1ll1am23! I’ll test this as soon as I can. Where’s your “buy me a coffee” account?

lol should probably set one of those up. Its not a big deal, the thing that makes HA great and will continue to make it the best HA platform is the community helping each other out. I get tons of help from other people so just passing it along.


I have other custom components. so in my config file i used

  • platform: wink
    rebooting now

All you will need to do it unzip the file about and copy the Wink folder out and drop it in the custom_components folder you already have.

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doing that now then !!

I dropped the wink folder in, rebooted and turned a light on and the error still appeared:

Exception in subscribe loop: HTTP Client Error (400): {"message":"Invalid Subscribe Key","error":true,"service":"Access Manager","status":400}

Can you confirm the custom component is loaded and it actually download the new pubnubsub-handler version 1.0.3b2? Should show up early in your logs.

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /users/me/groups (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x6e1decd0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Try again’))
2019-05-05 13:17:34 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.switch] Setup of platform wink is taking over 10 seconds.