Wink/PubNub not updating

Not sure python-wink logs any debug message? But you should see it installing the updates in the log

Ok, so maybe it isn’t all fine. Turning things on and off work, but their status doesn’t seem to come through - are these done via push?


Still the same errors as the OP, which implies I am loading the production code, not custom. But homeassistant.loader still displays the warning about wink custom. I don’t see anything in the logs that indicates it is installing.

I redid everything from scratch, wiping it clean first. Even rebooted.

EDIT: top of log file

2019-05-05 14:43:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for wink which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
2019-05-05 14:43:28 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for custom_updater which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
2019-05-05 14:43:32 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for life360 which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.
2019-05-05 14:43:58 WARNING (EndpointThread-Heartbeat-0) [urllib3.connectionpool] Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)")': /v2/presence/sub-key/sub-c-f7b<trimmed the rest>

2019-05-05 14:43:58 ERROR (EndpointThread-Subscribe-0) [pubnub] Exception in subscribe loop: HTTP Client Error (400): {"message":"Invalid Subscribe Key","error":true,"service":"Access Manager","status":400}

I’m confused, because this AM is was working for me. I came back, thought I would test the latest and now things don’t seem to work. I’m now seeing the same errors that I had last night and prior to putting in the custom code:

May 05 15:51:50 automation hass[4814]: 2019-05-05 15:51:50 ERROR (EndpointThread-Subscribe-0) [pubnub] Exception in subscribe loop: HTTP Client Error (400): {"message":"Invalid Subscribe Key","error":true,"service":"Access Manager","status":400}


May 05 15:52:12 automation hass[4814]: 2019-05-05 15:52:12 WARNING (EndpointThread-Heartbeat-0) [urllib3.connectionpool] Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)",)': /v2/presence/sub-key/sub-c-f7bf7f7e-0542-11e3-a5e8-02ee2ddab7fe/channel/cb994663f45fd0c6a6f3f5200b40b6e4aadb3518,680a3b0093d37913cfb361ca5057743258f0d191%7Cbinary_switch-940641%7Cuser-487179,72e969034437022e19d17540fd305bfa3ae9b6ad%7Clight_bulb-4188239%7Cuser-487179,7ca147e153d3cc0c888d5a77a2b986565191cacc,9017ba5011913a17339c9b2f3a2dd9d07d69554d%7Csensor_pod-604009%7Cuser-487179,d6c608c61c8c09aae7dbc8dd896c998e407ad2e2%7Csensor_pod-602946%7Cuser-487179,dbb7b814d9eba968fa004a630d13af946b607774%7Clight_bulb-4189072%7Cuser-487179,a243178e06d49735c4dcef6873bc142eaf341ffb%7Csensor_pod-602948%7Cuser-487179,533b53a13b886b2d623588c8762659c3cccdc74d%7Csensor_pod-602944%7Cuser-487179,d0570e0d799a88eb320be80b3d655968c4d473e8%7Csensor_pod-602905%7Cuser-487179,b7d0462042cad613c285937a0b03396f2d28c0cc%7Csensor_pod-602945%7Cuser-487179,6ed12e3d9587782c031bc95260c17388e85d789a%7Csensor_pod-602918%7Cuser-487179,4396d4b70fba58f8047d4b39cb4d415f6eb824c4%7Clight_bulb-4188913%7Cuser-487179,5257847348dae91f0ce04900d43b63ad42e6231c%7Cgarage_door-169127%7Cuser-487179,dffdc6bd836d5da04acbb214841b95785c103512%7Clight_bulb-4187893%7Cuser-487179,0d611c4aa042f7e4e2e9f53a06b9ecdc608ac48e,9d91c8e0762640562614ef5fba03abcf4e41aaa5,d84e00c5258aec1af340e794c042b7e9c8ea1d66%7Clock-296284%7Cuser-487179,ffdb7596dea6c027401bfe4a8e9defd0da355859%7Csensor_pod-603155%7Cuser-487179,8e4f6b51ffeb1a1b5d8bbbbacde6302972e58631,16ec2a41109fe9126bf873ee3c028838a0ca8a7c,25bca31322c135ffba0d549d0061dccaa8a92251%7Csensor_pod-602936%7Cuser-487179,6af97c9d3b87c23e064232cb36c252c3f6cff8ed%7Csiren-34416%7Cuser-487179,2c6871f2caa2b939e3082f3d284aba986f9fb761%7Csensor_pod-604012%7Cuser-487179,binary_switch-940421%7Cfbc146e2cdd75e14431bd7c9a0c5031d351da698%7Cuser-487179,e5aafb72

Yeah something isn’t correct, but I am not home at the moment. Trying to do things from my parents. I will see what I can figure out give me a little and I’ll report back.

Come on! No seriously, enjoy your visit and stop working with us!

Okay, so my father has a Wink hub lol so I was able to test with his stuff. Give this a shot and I think it should work.

I had to manually install pubnubsub-handler for some reason it wouldn’t auto install via Home Assistant but python-wink did? Not sure what that was about.

Just a quick update - I can confirm that it is loading the latest custom wink code because that is the only way that the pycache was created with the timestamp that reflects the latest fresh restart.

So something simple (I hope!) that is causing it to import the wrong pubnub dependency code.

Downloaded latest, installed in /custom_components/wink. Restarted HA, errors gone, all wink things functioning as advertised (local and remote). Live is good.

Thank you.

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Looks good! Really appreciate it!

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Yes. Seems to be working well. I’ll report again shortly.

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Getting an occasional “Exception in subscribe loop,” (about once a minute, maybe exactly).

Yeah, same as some other from before. I think that is “normal” Wink is closing the connection on their end, but pubnub seems to recover from it.

Thanks a lot w1ll1am23. You’ve been great!

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Glad I could help out. I’ll get this all pushed up.

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So it defaults to none but it only will be none if HA doesn’t pass something in. Which it does. So are you running the latest? If you are then yeah, I wouldn’t expect it to be getting that, in my testing it didn’t.

The latest version of the component is working for me. I did have to force pip to update to the beta version of the component. I believe the command was:

pip3 install --upgrade pubnubsub-handler==1.0.3b3

Here is the command I used to see what versions of those two components I had.

pip3 freeze | grep wink && pip3 freeze | grep pubnubsub

Here is the output of the above command.


FYI I am running 0.92.2 on Ubuntu Server and I used a command line via Portainer to execute the above commands.

All good now for me too. And it wasn’t the upgrade to 92.2 but the fact I still had the previous Google Drive/winzip folder open along with the latest and apparently got them mixed up. Geez, sorry for the trouble.

No problem, lots of updates going on.