Wink - Sensi thermostat - Climate component additional attributes request


I been able to work through the configuration of my new Sensi thermostat thanks to help of this community.

I have been reviewing the json file on the thermostat configuration file at wink@home for additional attributes, configuration and functionality.

I would like to request that 4 additional attributes be exposed: cool_active, heat_active, fan_active, aux_active - to help monitor if the A/C, furnace, fan or aux activity.

I’m looking to be able see if the HVAC unit is on or not and monitor running time. I’m thinking this would do the trick.


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@mahk8 I’ll take a look at this. I believe two of the four should already be present based on the code in python-wink and Home Assistant. Home Assistant re-maps them to heat_on cool_on. The fan_active is already in python-wink but not implemented in Home Assistant code and I somehow skipped over the aux_active when writing python-wink. Can you confirm that heat_on and cool_on are present in the attributes?

Thanks @w1ll1am23. I don’t see either of the heat_on or cool_on in HA Climate component attributes.

Also I don’t really have a use for aux_active. I don’t really know what to do with it (yet). Just thought if you were extending that it would be helpful in the future.

Here is what I see:

I think I see the problem. Can you try adding the following hastebin link into the following folder/file.


Then restart HA and see if the heat, cool, and fan attributes show up.

Thanks @w1ll1am23.

Perfect. It’s showing up now. I appreciate your fast response. :slight_smile:

No problem, I’ll get it officially added soon.

Hey @w1ll1am23 - sorry to resurrect an old thread, but did you ever get these features added? I tried following your hastebin link to try your custom_component code and it looks like it’s expired/removed. Thanks!

I think I forgot. I don’t think hastebin links expire but maybe the site is having problems? Can you remind me in a couple days and I’ll try to get it officially added?

Yeah, hastebin links only stay up for 30 days from their last view. Take your time; appreciate the work.

Should get added with feel free to test it out if you can.

Hi w1ll1am23 thank you for all your hard work on the Sensi thermostat. I got one last week and I really like the on/off information. It has been super hot here and it is nice to see how long it is actually running/“cooling.” I have a template sensor tracking cool_on. I have some multi sensors spread throughout my house and these show temperature to the tenth degree. One of them is right above the thermostat and it looks like it is reading colder than the thermostat. In a screenshot above from mahk8, their current temperature is 22.2. How can I get it to display that tenth degree, maybe in another template sensor? I would think the thermostat would be more accurate, but it would be nice to know for sure, so I could consider changing the offset on the Sensi. Thank You.

Can you post your template sensor? I am assuming you are piping the value to int or something so it is chopping off the decimal

Here is the screenshot for the states page:

Here is the Template Sensor. I have only been able to get it to say False. I messed it up before coming to work and it shows the wrong info.

Sensi State


  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “AC On”
    value_template: >-
    {{ state_attr(‘climate.sensi’, ‘cool_on’)|float > 0 }}
    friendly_name: “Actual Temp”
    value_template: “{{ (‘climate.sensi’, ‘current_temperature’) }}”


I think you are just missing the state_attr in the value template for the Actual Temp. And then just pipe that to | float


It shows 75.0. I’ll watch it to see if it changes.

Sensi State


  • platform: template
    friendly_name: “AC On”
    value_template: >-
    {{ state_attr(‘climate.sensi’, ‘cool_on’)|float > 0 }}
    friendly_name: “Actual Temp”
    value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘climate.sensi’, ‘current_temperature’)|float }}”

It looks like the current_temperature and the temperature on the Sensi are always 75, which is the set point. Here is a screenshot of a multi sensor with a DHT22 that is reading 73.9, and some other sensor screenshots.


You can see how it fluctuates from ~73 to ~76. I guess this is a question for Sensi on how it displays/reads temperature?

Can anyone else confirm their temperature is changing at all? I can try to check the code later and see if the right method is being called to get the current temperature

One additional thing I’ll point out is that my Sensi screen always shows 75 degrees, but it would be nice to know the temperature it is actually reading/sensing. I would have to try and look at it tomorrow morning when the room temperature will be near 72/73, but the Sensi temperature never really seems to change unless it turned off for a while and it then shows the current temperature while it is cooling to the set temperature. Maybe there is a range where if it is near its set point, it always shows that temperature?

i’m on HA 96.3 and temperature and current temperature appear to be changing accurately for me. although, the state always shows “cool”, and hvac_mode always shows “cooling”… never changes. EDIT: meant hvac_action never changes.

hvac_modes: off,heat,cool,auto
current_temperature: 74
min_temp: 45
max_temp: 99
temperature: 74
target_temp_high: null
target_temp_low: null
current_humidity: 45
fan_mode: auto
fan_modes: auto,on
hvac_action: cooling
aux_heat: off
friendly_name: Thermostat
supported_features: 75

I noticed that I had 3271 supported features and bhnhass had 75. I was on 96.4 and now I am on 96.5. When I upgraded, the heat_on and cool_on features went away and now Im at 75 supported features. Should I re format a sd card and go back to 96.4? I haven’t done a lot with hassio yet. I also have a snapshot from last week I could revert to.