Wipro Garnet Smart Light


  1. Do you remember how you added the device? Following is my current config:

  1. For ESP Home, did you need to flash the device? If not, can you share a link to the guide you used?

Honestly been a very long time.
For ESP you need to flash. You can use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFsuza3UAhk
99% you should require no soldering, just pushing the FW OTA.

I am open to a zoom Gtalk session also if required.


The ESP home stuff looks way complicated for me since I am new to this.

I’m open to a google meet call if you’re okay with it. Maybe you caj guide me how to add the device to the localtuya.

Sure we can try

But trust me ESPHome is much more easier. It just looks complicated.

I can talk sometime at 9pm IST.
Lets talk on DM.

@rishabmehta7 can you link me to the pinout for esp baord used in wipro garnet bulb i am unable to find rx tx pins :pensive: … also are there any jumper pads on the pcb or should i solder directly to the esp baord, what’s recommended?

If I am not wrong the recent ones no longer come with ESP and instead use Beken chips. They are compatible with LibreTiny.

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How do i confirm that, CB3L is written on the chip and I could find CB3S and CB3L on the internet which one has libretiny ?

Also If it is libretiny, does that mean tasmota wouldn’t work ?

found the datasheet here: CB3L Module Datasheet-Tuya Developer Platform-Tuya Developer

So Tasmota is for ESP chips only. As an alternative you can use OpenBeken which is like Tasmota.
I have moved on to ESPHome which which works in either cases (Libretiny is just a form of ESPHome).

Follow any ESPHome tutorial to flash the chip and later I can help with the yaml. as there seem to exist a bunch of variants.

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Thanks for such fast response, just soldered the pins will try to read_flash and backup now (Just in case). After flashing ESPHome will tell the result :slight_smile:

@rishabmehta7 sorry to bother you again, how did you boot this chip into flash mode?

No problem. I used tuya Cloud Cutter. So did not have to flash with wires.
Check if your device is still hackable with cloud Cutter.

Ohh, I am unaware of that … will checkout the repo to see if that still works. Manual flashing failed bcz i guess the reset and chip enable and directly bound to vcc which means i have to cut the traces to flash manually :frowning:

Check DigiBlurs video about it.

My device has v1.5.21 which doesn’t have vulnerability, any idea how to proceed with flashing?

After breaking the CEN trace was able to full dump from chip and analyser showed this. How and what to flash now ?

This program also showed code for esphome, just compiled and flash via serial and it worked flawlessly first try.

@rishabmehta7 Thanks again :100:

Hi Rishab, I am using similar approach and made the wipro plug cloud free. I have a question about these devices. When you switch off the device are you getting immediate response about its unavailability? For me it’s taking more than 1 minute to see the status. This is giving tough times with the automations triggers. Any better way to get a faster response?

You mean after these have their power cut, the device status didn’t become unavailable for a minute?
Why would you want to cut power to these?

Hi, Good question. I am trying to trigger an automation when the Plug is unavailable do something within few seconds, which I can’t because these devices takes long time to connect back to Home Assistant to share its state as unavailable.

Try creating a ping sensor maybe that should be much faster.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will try the ping sensor.