Wireless thermostat for infrared panels

For Dutch see below.
I have read this post,

but it is very old.

In English.
We are considering purchasing infrared heating panels as an alternative to central heating. Choosing panels is possible, but a thermostat is more difficult.

My question:
I am looking for a wall-mounted thermostat that has a temperature sensor and communicates wirelessly with the receivers in the connection boxes where the power is tapped that goes to the panels and is spread over two connection boxes (and 2 groups). A thermostat that can be operated manually on the thermostat itself and can be accessed via a protocol in HomeAssistant.

We do not want to use the cloud services that some thermostat makers provide for privacy reasons. I would like to have the option to access the thermostat / receiver via HomeAssistant.

In my mother language: Dutch:
Wij overwegen ominfrarood verwarmingspanelenaan te schaffen als alternatief voor de centrale verwarming. Panelen kiezenlukt wel, maar eenthermostaat is lastiger.

Mijn vraag:
Ik ben opzoek naar een thermostaat aan de wand die zelf een temperatuur sensor heeft en draadloos communiceert met de ontvangers in de verbindingsdozen waar de stroom wordt afgetapt die naar de panelen gaan en dat over twee verbindingsdozen (en 2 groepen) verspreid. Een thermostaat die handmatig te bedienen is op de thermostaat zelf en te benaderen is via een protocol in HomeAssistant.

Wij willen geen gebruik maken van de clouddiensten die sommige thermostaat makers leveren in verband met privacy. Wel wil ik dus de mogelijkheid hebben omde thermostaat / ontvanger via HomeAssistant te benaderen.

I received the following suggestion on the Freedom community:

Give each panel a Homewizard plug. (Would it also be available as a built-in module? Can be built into a connection box?) They have a super simple local API (for HomeAssistant) and you can turn off the cloud. By giving each its own plug, you can control them separately and keep an eye on them if one has a problem.

For the thermostat in the room you do something simple with the local API

And then possibly switch off the API again.

The thermostat is then a display with buttons and a DHT22. Possibly DIY using Arduino.

But let’s take a closer look.

Op de community van Freedom kreeg ik de volgende suggestie:

Geef elk paneel een Homewizard plug. (zou die er ook zijn als inbouw-module? In te bouwen in een verbindingsdoos?) Die hebben een super eenvoudige lokale API (voor HomeAssistant) en de cloud kan je uitzetten. Door elk een eigen plug te geven kan je ze los van elkaar sturen en in de gaten houden als er eentje een probleem heeft.

Voor de thermostaat in de kamer doe je dan iets simpels met lokale API

En daarna evetueel de API weer uitschakelen.

De thermostaat is dan een display met knoppen en een DHT22. Eventueel zelfbouw middels Arduino.

Maar even goed naar kijken.

This absolutely works. For HomeWizard use the build in integration, and any temperature sensor that works in Home Assistant. Buy a simple Zigbee sensor, make your own using ESPHome or you can even just use the Philips Hue motion sensor which has a temperature sensor.

Then configure these two as “thermostat” with this integration: Generic thermostat - Home Assistant

I used this with a “dumb” heater last winter, it worked perfectly.

I agree with above.
Get a temperature sensor of any choice and smart plug to operate the heater.
Then just use the generic thermostat

This won’t give you a physical thermostat to operate but you can a software thermostat in HA.

If physical buttons is needed then you could go as simple as a two button remote and TTS to speak out what the set temperature is

@DCSBL Thanks a lot for your answer. I’m going to go through that carefully and see if I can do anything with it. I am not familiar with this matter and am not used to working with it.
Is it true that it works wirelessly?

@Hellis81 Thank you also! A physical thermostat is priority number 1.

Is it possible to explain this more? Do you mean that it responds to spoken word?

N.B. English is not my native language, so I do not always immediately understand what is written. I use a translation tool on the internet.

I know this was meant as a kind of exaggeration, but please do not use Hue motion temperature sensor. It’s really not a good sensor, the readings are off usually by 2 degrees Celsius, but not always, so it can’t be really calibrated. It should really not be used for heating control.

No the other way around.
For example this here:
TRÅDFRI control outlet kit, smart - IKEA Sweden
Is both a smart plug and a remote for it.

Instead of the remote controlling the smart plug, you pair both the smart plug and the remote to HA.

You have a generic thermostat (the software version).
The ON button on the remote will increase the temperature with say 0.5 degrees, and OFF button lower the temperature.
Because you don’t know what it’s set to, then you can add a TTS saying “generic thermostat is now set to 20.5 degrees” when you press either the ON or OFF button.

This is the cheap version, going for a device with a screen will be far more expensive.
I’m suggesting this as it seems this will only be used rarely since Infra heating is rather expensive

But you could make it react to spoken words also. It won’t be as user friendly since there will be times it doesn’t hear you or misunderstands the temperature.

I’m sorry, but this is just a ridiculous solution. It’s a UX nightmare. Please don’t do it.

Thermostat should be a physical device that can be easily controlled physically, with instant feedback. No on-off button with no way to know what it is set up to now and with TTS telling you what you just did. I would rather use dumb thermostat than such smart solution.

There are smart thermostats that could be used and I’m sure some of them would work great. But I can’t recommend anything, as I don’t use it. Perhaps other forum users can share their experience.

But please, don’t use cheapest ikea button for this. It’s one of those ideas that can murder the smart home system by generating hate from all family members.

Follow-up. I have not been able to find a thermostat that can be operated manually on the thermostat itself and that can be accessed via WIFI and HomeAssistant, where the maker’s cloud solution can be disabled.
The options that were also indicated here are not feasible for me: Or I do not have the knowledge, for example to create scripts myself via HA; or the operation is not in accordance with my wishes.
Yesterday I visited a large ‘heating’ supplier to discuss the thermostats they have, but as soon as I say “own management” they don’t respond. I have the impression that they do not want to investigate that area and do not want to work on it.

Vervolg. Het is me niet gelukt een thermostaat te vinden die én handmatig te bedienen is op de thermostaat zelf én die via WIFI en HomeAssistant te benaderen is, waarbij de cloudoplossing van de maker uitgeschakeld kan worden.
De mogelijkheden die ook hier werden aangegeven zijn voor mij niet haalbaar: Of ik heb er de kennis niet van, bijvoorbeeld om zelf via HA scripts te maken; of de bediening is niet conform mijn wensen.
Gisteren ben ik bij een grote ‘verwarming’ leverancier langs geweest om de thermostaten die zij hebben te bespreken, maar zodra ik “eigen beheer” roep geven ze niet thuis. Ik heb de indruk dat ze dat terrein niet willen onderzoeken en er niet mee aan de slag te willen gaan.

There are no thermostats that is locally controlled.
The only company at this moment that could possibly consider making it is Shelly.
No other company has locally controlled on the agenda (when talking about wifi).
They want to sell something to the broad masses, and that means it has to integrate with Google and Alexa, meaning cloud based.

Either you need to go DIY or adjust your target.