Working ESPHome Sensor reported as Unknown in HA - how to debug

I have an outdoor temperature sensor which, when looking at the ESPHome Logs seems to send its status to HA without any issue. I use the native API (not MQTT).

But HA reports the device as “Unavailable” and there are no duplicate devices I can find which have been recreated instead. Any idea what could be going on or how to debug it?

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Can you please copy and paste these beginning from rebooting the device.

Thanks for the prompt reply

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/bme280.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Connecting to (
INFO Successfully connected to
[09:22:02][I][app:105]: ESPHome version 1.16.2 compiled on Apr 26 2021, 18:34:11
[09:22:02][C][status_led:019]: Status LED:
[09:22:02][C][status_led:020]:   Pin: GPIO15 (Mode: OUTPUT)
[09:22:02][C][wifi:443]: WiFi:
[09:22:02][C][wifi:303]:   SSID: 

[09:22:02][C][wifi:304]:   IP Address:
[09:22:02][C][wifi:306]:   BSSID: 

[09:22:02][C][wifi:307]:   Hostname: 'outside21'
[09:22:02][C][wifi:311]:   Signal strength: -70 dB ▂▄▆█
[09:22:02][C][wifi:315]:   Channel: 1
[09:22:02][C][wifi:316]:   Subnet:
[09:22:02][C][wifi:317]:   Gateway:
[09:22:02][C][wifi:318]:   DNS1:
[09:22:02][C][wifi:319]:   DNS2:
[09:22:02][C][i2c:028]: I2C Bus:
[09:22:02][C][i2c:029]:   SDA Pin: GPIO4
[09:22:02][C][i2c:030]:   SCL Pin: GPIO5
[09:22:02][C][i2c:031]:   Frequency: 50000 Hz
[09:22:02][I][i2c:033]: Scanning i2c bus for active devices...
[09:22:02][I][i2c:040]: Found i2c device at address 0x23
[09:22:03][I][i2c:040]: Found i2c device at address 0x76
[09:22:03][C][logger:185]: Logger:
[09:22:03][C][logger:186]:   Level: VERBOSE
[09:22:03][C][logger:187]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[09:22:03][C][logger:188]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:142]: BME280:
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:143]:   Address: 0x76
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:155]:   IIR Filter: OFF
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:156]:   Update Interval: 90.0s
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:158]:   Temperature 'Outside Temperature'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:158]:     Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:158]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:158]:     Icon: 'mdi:thermometer'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:159]:     Oversampling: 16x
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:160]:   Pressure 'Outside Pressure'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:160]:     Unit of Measurement: 'hPa'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:160]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:160]:     Icon: 'mdi:gauge'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:161]:     Oversampling: 16x
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:162]:   Humidity 'Outside Humidity'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:162]:     Unit of Measurement: '%'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:162]:     Accuracy Decimals: 1
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:162]:     Icon: 'mdi:water-percent'
[09:22:03][C][bme280.sensor:163]:     Oversampling: 16x
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:027]: BH1750 'Outside Illuminance'
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:027]:   Unit of Measurement: 'lx'
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:027]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:027]:   Icon: 'mdi:brightness-5'
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:028]:   Address: 0x23
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:048]:   Resolution: 0.5
[09:22:03][C][bh1750.sensor:049]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[09:22:03][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[09:22:03][C][ota:030]:   Address:
[09:22:03][C][api:095]: API Server:
[09:22:03][C][api:096]:   Address:
[09:22:55][D][bh1750.sensor:081]: 'Outside Illuminance': Got illuminance=1131.7lx
[09:22:55][V][sensor:013]: 'Outside Illuminance': Received new state 1131.666626
[09:22:55][D][sensor:092]: 'Outside Illuminance': Sending state 1131.66663 lx with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:23:27][V][bme280.sensor:171]: Sending conversion request...
[09:23:27][D][bme280.sensor:197]: Got temperature=12.9°C pressure=1011.1hPa humidity=80.5%
[09:23:27][V][sensor:013]: 'Outside Temperature': Received new state 12.870000
[09:23:27][D][sensor:092]: 'Outside Temperature': Sending state 12.87000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:23:27][V][sensor:013]: 'Outside Pressure': Received new state 1011.050781
[09:23:27][D][sensor:092]: 'Outside Pressure': Sending state 1011.05078 hPa with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:23:27][V][sensor:013]: 'Outside Humidity': Received new state 80.483398
[09:23:27][D][sensor:092]: 'Outside Humidity': Sending state 80.48340 % with 1 decimals of accuracy
[09:23:55][D][bh1750.sensor:081]: 'Outside Illuminance': Got illuminance=1181.7lx
[09:23:55][V][sensor:013]: 'Outside Illuminance': Received new state 1181.666626
[09:23:55][D][sensor:092]: 'Outside Illuminance': Sending state 1181.66663 lx with 1 decimals of accuracy

This is how the device now shows in HA. It used to work fine until I upgraded HA a few days ago, first to 1.5.x (Can’t remember which) and now 1.6.1.

Try removing the device from Home Assistant and re-adding it manually.

If that’s the logs from boot, HA doesn’t make a connection. Similar section from my logs:

[09:33:33][C][captive_portal:169]: Captive Portal:
[09:33:33][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[09:33:33][C][ota:030]:   Address:
[09:33:33][C][ota:032]:   Using Password.
[09:33:33][C][api:095]: API Server:
[09:33:33][C][api:096]:   Address:
[09:33:33][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]: WiFi Signal 'Garage lux wifi signal'
[09:33:33][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Device Class: 'signal_strength'
[09:33:33][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Unit of Measurement: 'dB'
[09:33:33][C][wifi_signal.sensor:009]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[09:33:40][D][api.connection:617]: Client 'Home Assistant 2021.6.0 (' connected successfully!
[09:33:40][D][time:040]: Synchronized time: Fri Jun  4 09:33:40 2021
[09:33:40][D][bh1750.sensor:081]: 'Outside illuminance': Got illuminance=535.0lx
[09:33:40][D][sensor:099]: 'Outside illuminance': Sending state 535.00000 lx with 0 decimals of accuracy
[09:33:40][D][switch:021]: 'Garage light sensor onboard LED' Turning ON.
[09:33:40][D][switch:045]: 'Garage light sensor onboard LED': Sending state ON

Note the api.connection line. Try @tom_l’s suggestion (here’s how) first.

Thank you both - much appreciated and will revert when I have done so.

@tom_l - I’ve tried what you suggested. The new devices (different name) shows up in Home Assistant but the Sensor Entities are still listed as “Unavailable”

@Troon - the API Connection line does not seem to be there either on the new device.

Are there any errors in the log about it not having a unique id?

Apologies but I don’t think I ever had an error about not having a UniqueID? Is that in the device log or somewhere else?

Click this:

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.

There is no reference to that sensor in that log…

And you definitely have this in your ESP config:


Here’s the complete yaml file - which has worked for months:

  name: outside
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini_pro

  pin: GPIO15

  reboot_timeout: 45min
  - said: <redacted>
    password: <redacted>

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Outside Sensors Fallback Hotspot"
    password: <redacted>


# Enable logging
  level: VERBOSE

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - platform: bme280
      name: "Outside Temperature"
      oversampling: 16x
      name: "Outside Pressure"
      name: "Outside Humidity"
    address: 0x76
    update_interval: 90s
  # - platform: bh1750
    # name: "Outside Illuminance"
    # address: 0x23
    # update_interval: 90s

  sda: D2
  scl: D1
  scan: true

typo ?

  - said: <redacted>
    password: <redacted>
  - ssid: <redacted>
    password: <redacted>
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Yes obviously that’s a typo - otherwise I would not receive the logs :slight_smile:

@tom_l - any further thoughts? (This doesn’t make any sense to me either…)

Does anyone have any further thoughts on this? The sensor randomly seems to start working/stop working. I can always retrieve the logs and upload the firmware so the wifi communication seems to work fine.

But the HA-API comms seems to fail regularly and unpredictably and when that happens the sensor shows as “Unavailable” in-home assistant?

Happy to spend some time debugging further but don’t know where to start.

Hi, were you able to get your status working again?
I’ve got a new esp32 installed, while it does work, epshome is still giving me unknown status

I believe it was a hardware failure. I replaced the unit and it now worked for months.