Worx Landroid Package (Deprecated)

There is already an issue created:

Same for me btw :slight_smile:

Version 0.1.6


  • Try to fix #10

what code lovelance to view new features?
my card is before equal

you have to clean cache

I cleaned cache…
now blank

Version 0.1.7


  • Added default locales to try to fix #10

Install with HACS method to avoid clean cache and other issues


How can I override the start action object? I want to start my own script.
Is that correct?

    - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.mower_start_mow

And how can I override edgecut?

actions object

You can defined service invocations to override default actions behavior. Available actions to override are start, pause, resume, stop and return_to_base.

    service: fan.toggle
      entity_id: fan.toggle
    service: script.mower_start_mow
    service: landroid_cloud.setzone
      entity_id: vacuum.mower
      zone: '1'

Your is:

    service: script.mower_start_mow

Now i made changes in README

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Thanks! It works fine!
I have to open the house before I start mowing. :slight_smile:



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In the original app on Android left top corner can see: Wifi icon- number of percent is the battery - battery icon.
In your lovelance : left top corner Wifi icon and wifi percent number.
I always mean wrong, becasue the numbers digit on the left top corner is different meaning on the original app and your card. Is it possible to flipp the wifi and battery signal in the corner? Or Could it be reversible in the lovelance setting?

Thank you

Wow, that’s so cool, I wanted to make a roof for it, but what happens if it rains?

The mower will dock and the house will close. And the house is waterproof :slight_smile:

And how the mower knows that it’s rain :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a weather station. :slight_smile: but, the mower has a water sensor too. So, if raining, I send the mower back to house. The house closes when the mower status is docked for 1 minute.
I don’t use app, I turn off all schedule, rain delay…I creat my own scheduler and rain delay (+ irrigation delay too).

Looks cool :+1:

@Barmalej Does your integration also work with the S300? edit: never mind. Found comments that it works

Still worndering: I am a bit confused by the descripion of your integration. Does this also work with local control or is the cloud needed?

As the supported mowers are cloud-only, this gives itself :wink:

Hi, Does the lovelace landroid card suppose to update mower information every couple minutes ? Sometimes, the card does not refresh for couple hours.

Im trying to make the card refresh at least every 5 minutes but i’m new to HA and YAML.

I’m also trying to get information from landroid cloud and put it in a variable. I created an automation and I want to store the value of statistics.worktime_blades_on in a variable every day at 8 AM. But I can’t figure how to do it.

Can someone help me with that ? Thank you very much!