Would love to see a TTS implementation

Did anyone post a video on TTS implementation?

I’m wondering how it works… what it takes to benefit from it… which media player integration should I consider?

I just got a basic example of it setup yesterday.

Basically, just for tinkering around, here’s an example of having it tell my bedroom sonos to say a given message, when some action occurred…

  - alias: 'Testing TTS to Sonos'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: light.bedroom_lamp
        to: 'on'
      service: tts.google_say
      entity_id: media_player.bedroom
        message: 'the bedroom lamp has turned on.'

Now, in my logs, I see that an mp3 has been streamed to my specified sonos. It does indeed say the given message in a pretty convincing casual/human voice.

I’m going to experiment with raising the sonos volume, say the message, then lower the volume to the previous setting… The idea is that this could work well for a generalized alarm system; coupled with lighting effects, etc.

Hope that helps, and a huge shout out to the folks in the gitter.im channel for steering me in the right direction of using this with sonos. The dream scenario though, would be that at some point the echo/dot/etc could get messages pushed to it, so that they too, could render the message.

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There was a video in the announcement, I believe. Wasn’t earth shattering but it did work.

I’m starting to set up all my notification type automations into Home and Away automations, based on my device tracker state. Away uses Pushbullet and Home is now using TTS and Google Home. My mailbox alert sounds great and is working perfectly.

This is what I have, in AppDaemon (but it could easily be done in an automation.yaml)!

When my phone starts my morning alarm, Tasker shoots out an event on the HomeAssistant REST API called external_wakeup. The following is a snippet of the app I use to govern external events.

import appdaemon.appapi as appapi
from datetime import datetime

class ExternalEventsListener(appapi.AppDaemon):

    def initialize(self):
        self.listen_event(self.wakeup, event='external_wakeup')

    def wakeup(self, event_name, data, kwargs):
        time = datetime.now().strftime('%A, at %-I:%M')
        conditions = self.get_state('sensor.pws_weather')
        precip_chance = data['rain_chance']
        temperature = round(int(float(self.get_state('sensor.pws_feelslike_f'))))

        greeting = ("Good morning! It's currently {}. The weather out is {} with a {} percent "
                    "chance of rain. It is {} degrees outside. It's time to get up!"
                    .format(time, conditions, precip_chance, temperature))

        self.call_service('tts/google_say', entity_id='media_player.bedroom', message=greeting)

So every morning I get a custom greeting that tells me what the current time is and what the weather’s like outside. Things I instinctively check each morning before getting ready for the day.


Sorry to dig up an old thread, but could you please share the exact command you sent via tasker?

I used your code above with the HTTP POST command: http://MYHAADDRESS:8123/api/events/external_wakeup/?api_password=hunter2

But it doesn’t seem to be responding for me.

It looks like you’ve got the correct HASS endpoint. Are you doing a HTTP POST in Tasker?

@aimc - might there be a way to achieve this now with the API endpoints in AppDaemon instead of pushing the event through HASS?

Absolutely - as long as tasker is capable of hitting an arbitary URL path with a post request, and either setting a specific header, or appending URL parameters you can go straight to an app.

@poebae You should be able to get it working with an HTTP POST in Tasker.

I would recommend you check out the below links. It used to be that we had to use Home Assistant as the method of communication between Tasker and AppDaemon, but that is no longer the case and Andrew offers a direct mode of communication, with a slight bit of setup.


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Yep, I’m using HTTP POST in Tasker.

Thanks for the links. I’ve read through both a bunch of times and still trying to get my head around it. Does the new functionality significantly change the code you pasted above?

I’m trying to use:

self.register_endpoint(self.wakeup, "external_event")

with a Tasker command of HTTP Post:


Does it still require my api_password at the end, or any other information?

Note: I’ve followed these instructions:

The RESTFul API is disabled by default, but is enabled by adding an ad_port directive to the AppDaemon 
section of the configuration file. The API can run http or https if desired, separately from the dashboard.

Am I supposed to reference the port I specified somewhere? I’ve also tried subbing out ‘ad_port’ for ‘api_port’ following someone’s instructions.

EDIT: it seems that the Appdaemon API requires the api_key in the header if one is set up and Tasker requires root/a plugin to do that, so now I’m trying RUN SHELL:

curl -i -X POST -H "x-ad-access: !secret api_password" -H "Content-Type: application/json" 

Still no dice though.

And while I’m here, thanks for all your hard work @aimc and @SupahNoob. I’m new to HA and Python and your examples have really helped kickstart my understanding!

That’s a cool idea. I have Tasker app used before but couldn’t get my head around it. Could you share steps that you created in Tasker app to achieve this?

WIth the API you can use ?api_password= as an alternative to the header.

The URL must specify the port that you configured in the api_port (not ad_port) directive.

e.g., if you have:

  api_port: 5000

You need a URL something like:

http://<some address>:5000/appdaemon/api/<endpoint>?api_password=<some password>

+ @sbmlat … so unfortunately, I don’t use either Tasker or AppDaemon anymore - longer story, for another time. :slight_smile:

@poebae what do you get if you flash the %HTTPD variable in Tasker? This will help with debugging so we can tell if you’re getting an HTTP 200 or not. If you are, then something might be wrong in your AppDaemon app coding. If you are getting a 4xx error, then you are not authenticating correctly and should fix that first. Tasker can pass the data, but I do not remember exactly which field it should be passed in.

Let’s figure out the response code first, though! If need be, I’ll finally redownload Tasker to help.

@aimc hmm I tried that and still not getting a response. Is it supposed to be /api/appdaemon/endpoint? I’ve tried both.

I know the app works because I can trigger it by firing the event from the HA backend. It looks like @SupahNoob can help me out though!

@SupahNoob I hadn’t heard of any of those things before so I looked up a guide, but not sure what to do from here.

    def initialize(self):
    self.register_endpoint(self.wakeup, "external_wakeup")



When in doubt, trust the docs not me :wink:


What response data does %HTTPD / %locjson send back? I am looking to confirm that you are getting the proper response. Your code snippets all look fine to me.

With port 5555 I’m getting Socket error: failed to connect.

If I try port 5050 I get 404 not found.

@aimc does the issue in this thread still hold true? Could that be the problem?

It has to be the post you specify with the api_port directive - 5000 in my example above.

Are you using hass.io? If so, the requirements may be different.

Yep, I used the port specified in api_port.

I am using hass.io. Maybe that’s the problem :frowning:

Older versions of hass.io did not support the API - which version are you using of the AppDaemon plugin? And what version of AppDaemon is showing in the AppDaemon logfile?

I’m using:

Home Assistant v0.65.5
hass.io AppDaemon2 add-on v1.1.0
AppDaemon 2.1.12

Is the API support something that was introduced in ADv3? I’ve been following the beta threads and feeling a bit scared to upgrade at the moment.