Generally speaking, if a desired ability can be achieved using existing, built-in capabilities, it rarely ever becomes a built-in feature. Odds are better if the desired ability cannot be replicated via existing means.
If you peruse the Feature Request section, you’ll find that the ones that can already be achieved remain unfulfilled for a long time.
FWIW, if you want to minimize maintenance, I suggest you consider creating a Blueprint for your dozens of automations. Alternatively, consider consolidating them (the ones that are nearly identical).
I know it’s not built-in, and it is a bit of a pain to set up (and maintain, I know I know), but recently I’ve started building some automations that notify me and give me an action I can run to pause them.
You could do this to pre-empt running too by sending the notificaiton some time before the actual automation would run.
So I have a datetime helper for named “Ignore X Until” (were X is like, “Front door”, “washing machine”, etc).
Right now I mostly do 1 hour, but I have some that push longer - for example changing the filter in the furnace when I have an action that is “I changed it”, which pushes it ahead IDK 2 months or something, so that automation doesn’t run again until then.
In the automation I have a condition like this to check the datetime condtion:
condition: template
value_template: >
{{ now() > states.input_datetime.ignore_front_door_until.attributes.timestamp |
as_datetime }}
alias: Check if we should be ignoring right now
The notification with the action looks like this:
action: notify.mobile_app_jon_iphone
metadata: {}
message: >-
Front Door is {{ states('sensor.front_door') }}
title: Ignore 1 hour
And the final piece is the automation that handles the mobile action: