WTH don't we have a custom HTTP(s) integrations

WTH Don’t we have a simple HTTP(s) integration where you simply configure a URL, some headers, HTTP method and body? Through automation you can call said configured HTTP integration and you can parse the response body or HTTP code in your automation.

This would solve the need for certain integrations that don’t need a dedicated integration.

The integration would have a few entities containing:

  • last updated
  • HTTP response code
  • Body
  • Response headers

The input (you can either set before or inject during automation):

  • URL
  • Headers (optional)
  • Body (depending on HTTP method and optional)
  • HTTP method

You mean like this?


And this?


No. I mean to call non home assistant HTTP things… where also the body can give anything back. IE: You call an API where you use the body that’s JSON and fetch a field out of it.

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So https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/rest/ then


Beat me to it.

With the responses above (and the note about not requesting integrations in this section https://community.home-assistant.io/t/about-the-month-of-what-the-heck/466849)
Im going to close this as off-topic/answered.

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