Wth HA won't auto-update if there are no breaking changes?

HA knows exactly which integrations and configuration I use. There is also a list of breaking changes. So when there is nothing breaking for my config I would want HA to automatically update.

Also AFAIK the extra patch updates following the months first update are never breaking. So they could automatically be installed if the months update is installed.

Of course this should be turned on or off by the user. And backups should be made if you want, which you probably do :slight_smile:

The thing is… it doesn’t.

That is the goal, what if it turned out to be one afterall?

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On my second HA instance, I’ve created an automation to install patch updates over night. This automation has worked wonderfully for a long time for me, but remember that it comes with a bit of risk, as Frenck pointed out.

alias: Auto Update
description: ""
mode: single
  - at: "05:00:00"
    trigger: time
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {% set installed = state_attr("update.home_assistant_core_update",
      "installed_version").split(".") %}
      {% set latest = state_attr("update.home_assistant_core_update",
      "latest_version").split(".") %}
      {{ installed[1] == latest[1] and installed[2] < latest[2] }}
  - data:
      backup: true
      entity_id: update.home_assistant_core_update
    action: update.install
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