WTH is the code editor window so small when you edit a dashboard

I guess the title says it. Why is this window so small. Makes editing code quite hard.

This one drives me insane… I have to edit my lovelace YAML in tiny windows that you can’t resize.

On top of that, while typing, stuff shifts around as the code is being validated.

Why can I not take advantage of the sea of space I have on screen? Yeah… google design something something, but you are geniuses and there must be a way around this.

You can double click on the title (Vertical Stack Card Configuration) to make the window bigger.


@nicohirsch You are awesome! I still think there is lots of room for improvement (ie editing on phone/tablet is uber frustrating if even possible) so I still support this WTH but you DEFINITELY made my day!

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I did not know this! wow… thank-you

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