WTH is the Deps folder still there?

Seems a good time posting a question that has been burning for a long time…
In all of my 3 configs, a /deps folder is in the /config, without anything in it, hidden or not.

I realize some time and many interations ago, this folder was used to hold dependencies…, but is this still the case??
Can’t we simply delete these folders, and why are they created on brand new installs?

It depends on what you do with your install. For me, it still holds some tensorflow stuff. Also, this isn’t a WTH, this is a question.

Well, as said, it surely is for me. Seeing the silly empty folder again I thought: What the heck? Why this folder still there? I’d like to know what my fellow users think of this and discuss this some more… to get to the bottom of it.

perfectly valid according to the below quote :wink:

as a safe, lower barrier place to tell about your Home Assistant “What the heck?!” moments, and more importantly, discuss and vote on topics your fellow users have brought up.

Sure it is a question, an unanswered one yet, at least for this bit:

  • can we delete it if not needed
  • why is this (re)created if not needed

Probably find its a legacy thing, as petro said some items still require it. I would presume its created for a “if needed use”. It would also have the required permissionsas the integration or whatever may not have permission to create it

Also as an off topic, You should at least vote for your own things

I gave you a reason why it was still needed though… Maybe I wasn’t clear: Tensorflow is an integration.

Can’t remove the folder until all integrations don’t use it.

sorry for that… rectified,

no, you were clear, that is to say, I did understand that :wink: Its just that in my setup no integration needs is apparently. I would have figured an intelligent system to recreate folders only if and when the need arises.

the logic @aidbish suggests seems to be used, which is a bit of brute force method and not very elegant.

thanks anyways, won’t take of anyones time any further.

just doing a quick search of githib for the core, the deps folder is still referenced a bit, so deleting it, may do more harm than good


thanks! didn’t dare yet :wink: so, no harm done.
Never realized we could search the full core code like that, so, if anything, this WTH (and you) taught me something new.

Glad Petro allowed some fellow user discussion on the subject