WTH No person group helper

I was really excited to see groups finally moving to the UI but was then quite surprised to see person groups not in the list.

I think I am using a common pattern in some automations to only do things when people are home, for example, announcing things over Alexa. Maybe there’s a better way to do this but, for the moment, it’s easiest to leave it in yaml. Quite annoying when I need to update the groups though.

Yes, this.

With the new automations “intelligence”, and the ability to migrate automations, I’m moving a lot of my YAML back into the UI.

I just ran into the fact that there is no “person” group helper option. It will be the only entry left in my persons.yaml file after migration.

I’m not against adding person, input boolean, and/or mixed domain groups to the UI, but when Zones were updated so that their state value represents the number of person entities currently in that zone, it made the need for person groups for this use less of a necessity. Now you can just throw in a Numeric state condition or trigger for the zone above 0. Zones also have a persons attribute that returns a list of the person entities, so it can be used to cover a number of other cases where you may have needed a person group previously.