Thanks for the reply! There are always files present in the directory with those names, new ones are overwritten so worst-case it would be interpetting outdated images. But no that’s not what’s happening, I can run the script manually and everything works as intended.
I did have it set up with the stop
action originally but it didn’t change anything so I removed it. I put it back in just now, still with no change. It’s as if the script is not exposed; Assist does not even attempt to run the script.
mode: parallel
max_exceeded: silent
description: >-
Downloads latest radar imagery for weather condition analysis and predictive
forecasting and then analyzes the images using LLM Vision Analyzer, providing
written descriptions of the radar features being observed.
icon: mdi:robot-excited
text: null
name: vision_prompt
description: >-
The descriptive prompt sent to OpenAI along with the images for
default: >-
Attached you will see three image files. Each represents a different
perspective of the current weather radar and precipitation signature for
the North East US. Please analyze each of the three images to craft a professional
sounding, upcoming precipitation summary.
required: true
- parallel:
- action: downloader.download_file
metadata: {}
overwrite: true
subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
- action: downloader.download_file
metadata: {}
overwrite: true
url: >-
subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
- action: downloader.download_file
metadata: {}
overwrite: true
url: >-
subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
filename: us_ne_4regradar_plus_usen.jpg
enabled: true
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 500
- variables:
vision_prompt: "{{ vision_prompt }}"
alias: Define prompt variable for LLM Vision
- alias: LLM Vision Analyzer - Analyze current precipitaton radar for North East US
action: llmvision.image_analyzer
metadata: {}
provider: [REDACTED]
model: gpt-4o
include_filename: true
detail: high
max_tokens: 300
temperature: 0.6
message: "{{ vision_prompt }}"
image_file: |-
response_variable: current_radar_summary
- variables:
radar_analysis: |
{{ current_radar_summary }}
- stop: ""
response_variable: response
alias: "Weather: Analyze Current Radar"
When I run the script manually and check the trace, I see no problems.
response_text: >-
Based on the analysis of the radar images, New Jersey, is currently experiencing precipitation.
The mid-level view from AccuWeather
shows widespread precipitation across New Jersey and surrounding states,
confirming that the rain is likely to continue in the short term.
I was wondering if maybe it had to do with this change?
Do you remember why exposed scripts without a schema wouldn’t get exposed as a tool? Seems like it can have unintended side effects