WTH – Why aren't response variables from scripts available to conversation agents?

Thanks for the reply! There are always files present in the directory with those names, new ones are overwritten so worst-case it would be interpetting outdated images. But no that’s not what’s happening, I can run the script manually and everything works as intended.

I did have it set up with the stop action originally but it didn’t change anything so I removed it. I put it back in just now, still with no change. It’s as if the script is not exposed; Assist does not even attempt to run the script.

mode: parallel
max_exceeded: silent
description: >-
  Downloads latest radar imagery for weather condition analysis and predictive
  forecasting and then analyzes the images using LLM Vision Analyzer, providing
  written descriptions of the radar features being observed.
icon: mdi:robot-excited
      text: null
    name: vision_prompt
    description: >-
      The descriptive prompt sent to OpenAI along with the images for
    default: >-
      Attached you will see three image files. Each represents a different
      perspective of the current weather radar and precipitation signature for
      the North East US. Please analyze each of the three images to craft a professional
      sounding, upcoming precipitation summary.
    required: true
  - parallel:
      - action: downloader.download_file
        metadata: {}
          overwrite: true
          url: https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/standard/KDIX_loop.gif
          subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
      - action: downloader.download_file
        metadata: {}
          overwrite: true
          url: >-
          subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
      - action: downloader.download_file
        metadata: {}
          overwrite: true
          url: >-
          subdir: /config/www/weather_radar/ai/
          filename: us_ne_4regradar_plus_usen.jpg
    enabled: true
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 500
  - variables:
      vision_prompt: "{{ vision_prompt }}"
    alias: Define prompt variable for LLM Vision
  - alias: LLM Vision Analyzer - Analyze current precipitaton radar for North East US
    action: llmvision.image_analyzer
    metadata: {}
      provider: [REDACTED]
      model: gpt-4o
      include_filename: true
      detail: high
      max_tokens: 300
      temperature: 0.6
      message: "{{ vision_prompt }}"
      image_file: |-
    response_variable: current_radar_summary
  - variables:
        radar_analysis: |
          {{ current_radar_summary }}
  - stop: ""
    response_variable: response
alias: "Weather: Analyze Current Radar"

When I run the script manually and check the trace, I see no problems.

  response_text: >-
    Based on the analysis of the radar images, New Jersey, is currently experiencing precipitation. 
    The mid-level view from AccuWeather
    shows widespread precipitation across New Jersey and surrounding states,
    confirming that the rain is likely to continue in the short term.

I was wondering if maybe it had to do with this change?

Do you remember why exposed scripts without a schema wouldn’t get exposed as a tool? Seems like it can have unintended side effects