Right now, you have to have a rolling timeframe for the statistics integration. It would be great if I could create a statistics integration entity with the timeframe set to “daily”.
I would something similar to the existing statistics helper and apply it to hour of the day, day of the week, etc.
My example use cases:
- Average electricity usage on Mondays for the last 4 weeks.
- Min/Max used at 18:00 every day for a week.
- Total solar energy generated every Saturday for the last 3 months.
Thread where someone has created a bespoke API to do this: Average energy use by hour for X days - #11 by menloperk
I’d like to get average rainfall across all Januaries and do things like compare if this month is above or below its statistical average, perhaps to add to my irrigation controls? Cut back on irrigation if we are above average?
Energy consumption averages by day of week also allow to see differences such as when the cleaner is working on specific weekdays.