WTH Why is the raspberry Pi 4 bluetooth integration not seeing any bluetooth devices

Good day to anyone that can help.

I have installed the Bluetooth & Bluetooth Low Energy Monitoring Integration.

I have nothing being auto discovered but have read that that is not what the Integrations do - Got it.

I have gone into File Editor & then my Configuration.yaml file & added “bluetooth:” - is this a correct step?

I’ve restarted & attempted to add the Inkbird Integration but get “No devices found on the network” - so if they don’t auto discover & if I can’t add the Integration that might discover the end device what do I do or what am I missing?


Just a quick side note: the raspberry pi4 Bluetooth has terrible Bluetooth coverage. Devices need to be near it (within a couple meters) or the will loose connection.
I have a eve energy monitor who works perfectly if right next to the Pi. If i move it 3 meters away it will start to give allot of problems to stay connected.
I moved my HA to a nuc, and Bluetooth has been allot better.
Just keep that in mind, try re-adding you integrations when the device is very close to the pi and see if that helps

Thanks for the tip. I guess I’m still questioning how to add end devices.

depends on the end device. For example if you want to add a eve energy, add an eve energy integration (bad example as eve is automatically found).
i don’t have any device that aren’t automatically found atm that use bluetooth, so i cannot test.
What device are you trying to connect?

People better be careful what they wish for. I have no Bluetooth devices that currently show up in HA yet but I’ve seen my Bluetooth traffic. If at some point everything showed up? It made me smile imagining that. I don’t even live close enough to hear my neighbors BT traffic. Then we have the problem of BT devices changing their identities to avoid tracking. This is not a simple problem.

Too late.

I added

  - platform: bluetooth_tracker
  - platform: bluetooth_le_tracker
    track_new_devices: true
    track_battery: true
    interval_seconds: 30

to my configuration.yaml, and now I have 176 tracked devices. :smiley:

I will assume HASS does not know what to do with them, and that is why nothing shows up in discovered devices.

Of the discovered devices, based on the MAC address (and three by name), two are Samsung cell phones, two are Apple devices, one Logitech (wireless keyboard?), a Ubiquiti router, a Fitbit watch, an LG sound bar.

3 regular BT, while the rest all BLE.

Where did you add that code?

I have some Govee Bluetooth LED strips, a Chugod (same looking software as Inkbird) Meat Thermometer probes, anything that could test it (phones, mice, etc.)

I also keep getting this

Retrying setup: hci0 (E4:5F:01:AB:68:02): Failed to start Bluetooth: [org.bluez.Error.NotReady] Resource Not Ready

configuration.yaml, but you don’t need the discover line because that’s in default config.

Mine isn’t discovering anything sadly. I’m not sure how to enable it to do so.

if I place the word discover in my config,yaml I get a YAML error, only Discovery: does work!

Phone, mice, etc would not have a home assistant integration.
Just quickly checking and it seems goovy has a hacs integration.
None will work however if your Bluetooth won’t start i guess. Is Bluetooth enable on the Pi side?
If i where you i would take another sd and do a clean install to see if Bluetooth works there…

O sorry, English is not my native language and the message is a bit garbled.
What I meant to say is - that the code used here above raises an error saying discover is wrong, I only can use discovery in config.yaml. Plus when ever i add the code and leave it up to the inbuilt discovery it gives no error, HA starts nicely, but alas, there is still not a single Bluetooth nor Bluetooth LE device found.
The Bluetooth adapter of the PI has been found even with an address by HA but for me and I guess for a lot of others too we did expect the wrong things, and I would like to go as far as to say, better drop the whole Bluetooth hype if you run Bluetooth on a raspberry, it will not work.

try installing the goovy hacs integration and see if it works mate.
i know the struggle with the range from my old setup with a raspi4 but if you manage to get it working you could think about a Bluetooth Proxy maybee to extend the range…

I’m not sure how to check if the bluetooth is enabled on the Pi side. (sorry fairly new to this)
I have HA installed on a SSD.

I have installed the integration via HACS but it does this pretty consistantly.

Error setting up entry govee for govee

2:31:30 PM – (ERROR) Govee (custom integration) - message first occurred at 12:56:16 PM and shows up 3 times

Could not connect to Govee API: API: API-Error 429: {“message”:“rate limited! the limit is 10000 requests every 24 hours. X-RateLimit-Reset in Http Response Header shows the reset time.”}

2:31:30 PM – (WARNING) Govee (custom integration) - message first occurred at 12:56:16 PM and shows up 3 times

Rate limit exceeded, check if other devices also utilize the govee API

2:31:30 PM – (WARNING) Govee (custom integration) - message first occurred at 12:56:16 PM and shows up 3 times

API is back online.

2:31:30 PM – (WARNING) Govee (custom integration) - message first occurred at 12:56:16 PM and shows up 3 times

Did do the trick, can hardly believe this!
The thing is I was looking at the wrong place to see if there had been devices tracked, I expected them to pop up in notifications as many MQTT found devices get shown there, in case of the Bluetooth integration there will be no notification neither will they be in Integrations “Bluetooth” which is weird that it is not there they are, neither are they in Devices… no the place to look is in your Config folder there is then a new File named: “known_devices.yaml” there are the found Bluetooth devices.

I only have no clue how to use them now in automations or other integrations but Bluetooth is functioning on a Raspi4.

thank all

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Wow, i had no idea.
Yeah, BLE detected devices go there :joy:
Home assistant has a bit of a learning curve, bit it totally worth it (for me)
Can’t help you with the integration, as I don’t have any govee devices. But check the forums for that specific one, you will find people being very helpfull around here :+1:t2::+1:t2:

So where did you put that code and was it exactly that code?