WTH - Why is there not a hide entity/card feature?

I would like the ability to hide an entity or card simply by adding a:
hidden: true tag. Could apply to cards, entities, etc. I know there are conditional cards, and setting visibility for users, but sometimes I just want something hidden (like xmas lights in summer or pool in winter) without messing up any other formating.


  - condition: state
    entity: sensor.washing_machine
    state: Finished

In new sections interface.

I might be reading the documentation wrong, but that visibility is only for an entire view. Looking for something where also every entity can also simply have a visibility flag. Instead of having to remove the entity each season, I can just set visibility: false or hidden:true. Making a conditional card is a pain for entity level control as requires complicated logic for just simple changes.

  - entity: light.christmas_something
  - entity: light.halloween_something
    visible: false
