I know that one topic should be with one small idea. So my idea is to take more attention to the development of ZHA because it is a great tool, but a few things are missing or a little improvement would be useful.
Some examples:
Queue / throttle to manage request. Now when to many request at the same time (e.g. via automation) some of them failure.
Option to reconfigure mesh - questioning each device about the nearest neighbors and signal strength and building the best routes for each device on this basis.
Option to manualy change to which router the device is connected.
Automatically wake up the battery device before performing the update.
Fix for some covers that not saving cluster cover_position_lift_percentage (e.g TS130F _TZ3000_eg7awg6a)
Fix for covers with only one calibration_time (e.g.: TS130F _TZ3000_j1xl73iw). There should be two because the movement of the roller blind up takes a little longer than down.
Visualisation map (mesh). It is overloaded - when you have several dozen devices, it is already unreadable. There is no option to show only the best routes. There is also no option to after selecting the device show only its routes.
Battery devices spend most of the time asleep with the radio OFF to save battery - the only way to wake then is to trigger a sensor (i.e. in hardware by physically doing something) or to WAIT.
You might be able to change the sleep time per device, but that will eat batteries.
A cooordinator command for this exists in Z-Wave (Network Heal), but I’ve not seen it referred to in Zigbee.
There is a way to force a Zigbee “sort of network heal” but it’s a tad messy…
The downside is the mesh network is unusable as it is flooded for some time to allow the devices to “traceroute” back to the coordinator and calculate route weightings. For this reason Z-Wave tends to run a recalculation rarely, and in the small hours of the night when there may be less interference - good to get proximity, less useful if you have daytime interference.
Some devices automaticaly choose best route but some not. Some devices stay connected to router that they connect during pairing. There is option to force pair to selected router so I think that there should be also option to change this after pairing also.
Yes I take idea to reconfigure mesh from Z-Wave (Fibaro hub).
If they do, I think this may be a fault in the device (“fault” as in not fully complying with the Zigbee spec). Which devices are you thinking of?
I don’t think this is true. There is an option to use a device other then the coordinator when pairing - not the same thing. The end device will still change its connection if it needs to. This is the point of a Zigbee mesh.
I have the impression that Ikea devices update the route and choose the best one, and Tuya devices stick to a poor route. In both cases, I mean devices that act as a router, not battery end devices.