WYZE LOCK - Zigbee - Home Assistant - HassIO - HassOS - ZHA integration - Working as expected - remove cloud control

I used a hacksaw to cut a notch in the plastic and then used a flat-head screwdriver to pry it open by slowly working my way around.

I’m hoping to use them as Bluetooth proxies with esphome.io. Has anyone done this yet?

And unrelated: has anyone figured how to enable/disable auto-lock without using the Wyze app?

The ESP32 will enter the serial bootloader when GPIO0 is held low on reset.


I haven’t got that to work yet. I’ll update when I do.

Serial output at 115200 baud for an already configured unit:

I added two locks to Home Assistant from the method at the top, everything added and am able to control just fine.

The issue I’m seeing is the status is not being reflected in any updates. If I manually unlock that status does not get translated back to Home Assistant.

Has anyone else seen this and know how to fix?

I was using the Wzye Lock with the custom quirk a year or so ago and I was able to see the Interesting Attributes debug log. But now with the latest Home Assistant I don’t see status updates or any Interesting Attributes debug logs when manually unlocking/locking the lock.

What changed?

@oxnor I have the same problem, not getting status updates. Seems like an on-going problem :frowning:

EDIT: I removed the Wyse Lock and replaced it with a Kwikset 914. I wanted something better but not going to spend another $100 or so right now on another gadget haha! It was only $30 on eBay. I get updates and appears a correct battery level with the Kwikset. I still have to configure everything in HA but so far so good!

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Seems like there may have been a breaking change that F’d custom quirks. I am not sure how to fix it, but if I figure it out I will post the results here.

I am getting this in logs:

DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirk module 'wyzelock'

2024-08-29 16:57:53.913 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [zhaquirks] Unexpected exception importing custom quirk 'wyzelock'

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/zhaquirks/__init__.py", line 459, in setup


File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 995, in exec_module

File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 488, in _call_with_frames_removed

File "/config/zigbee/quirks/wyzelock.py", line 21, in <module>

from . import YUNDING

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

Hi all,

I was having the same issue that many others have reported on this thread (no arguments were passed to the incoming message), so I did a bit of digging and managed to fix it. The updated code is here (I also added a comment with installation instructions): wyze.py · GitHub

It would be good if people would post the messages they see in the logs for various operations (manual lock/manual unlock/app lock/app unlock/open door/close door/auto-lock), the messages looking like this:

2025-02-06 18:04:15.203 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0x2F7D:1:0xfc00] [Wyze Lock] Received command: [49, 171, 64, 0, 39, 143, 92, 128, 50, 0, 3, 6, 96, 172, 36, 229, 187, 91, 157, 138, 98, 247, 245, 49, 26, 215, 232, 187, 80, 178, 101, 149, 17, 94, 213, 83, 91, 110, 186, 14, 162, 0, 186, 182, 166, 47, 92, 225, 186, 89]

Maybe if we can see enough messages we can make more progress in reverse engineering the message format. Also post the battery % you see in the app at the time when the messages are sent.