Wyze sense sensor integrations

Care to share the location of these drivers? I am having an issue where the VM doesnt even see the device when I plug it in!

Yikes, this was some time ago and honestly can’t remember. Once I figured out what drivers I needed, I just Googled around till I found what I was looking for.

Not sure if this is exactly where I found the drivers I used, but give this a try?


Worst case I’ll jump on my dedicated server box a bit later and see if I can find the exact driver details.

I’m still experiencing the same stability issues as most (hub drops out every so often), hoping someone figures this out as I wouldn’t consider this reliable at all just an FYI.

Thank you for this. Understandable this a while ago. If you go into you server box can you please snap a pic of you Device Manager for this Bridge. My Bridge comes up as 2 HID devices and I am thinking that it is wrong. image

Sorry for delay, I believe these are the drivers I found and used. Download the zip and install the windows version, hope this works for you!

I still need to finalize the clasp on the lid. It works great to hold it on, but it’s too tight at the moment so it’s a pain to get off without both hands. That won’t work too well when it’s only held on to the wall with a command strip. I’ll probably toss it up on thingiverse once I’m happy with it. The Wyze sensor snap-action is working great though.

@FrenchToast Man 9days flys by. Sorry for not responding. I appreciate you sending the drivers. I have installed them but nothing changed. I still cant really associate the drivers you sent with the USB Input Device. No matter what I do Windows uses these drivers:

I just recently migrated my HA install to a new sd card, having successfully been running this component on both RPi4 and 3+. However, this time around (still Pi4) I cannot figure out why all my wyze sensors are ‘unavailable,’ and the wyze service calls missing under the developer tools. I’ve tried several different combinations of reinstalling/uninstalling/unplugging-the-bridge/restarts/etc in various different orders but none of them seem to revive this component. Anyone have any ideas on how to get this working again? Does it matter if the bridge is plugged into the Pi4’s usb 2.0 vs 3.0 ports?

Is there any trick to re-adding the sensors when you replace the battery?

Hello everyone, I am a new user for HA!!

They should just start working again.

Are these sensors needs to be very close to its hub? I have HA running on ubuntu server in my garage and would like to have these sensors throughout 2000 sqft home? Do I need something else to extend hub range?

Probably depends on your hub orientation. My hub is on a usb extension and is about 5’ from any other emitters. I have one sensor about 200’ away through a concrete wall and several trees.

usb extention and get the bridge up as high as you can

Thanks @SigP and @fiftys for reply. I will try with USB extension cable, If this does not work, other option I have is using run this on another home assistant running on raspberry pi and use it as remote assistant for main assistant.

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Hello. Have been using HA on a RPi 3b+ for a bit and just added wyze sense motion sensors using the instructions at https://github.com/kevinvincent/ha-wyzesense. The sensors show up and pick up motion near instantly. I have been trying to create an automation using an ‘on’ event with one of these sensors to trigger a z-wave switch as on upon motion in an area without any luck. This is regardless of the Z-wave switch being controlled by HA via a Aeotec Z-Stick connected to the RPi or if connected via smart things and visible to HA as a device. The Z-wave switch has worked fine when the automation has been triggered by other (Aqara door sensors via HA automations) sensors. Can someone please help me figure this out?

Using Insteon switch and a Wyze motion sensor without any problems. I chose to monitor the “state” of the motion sensor and not an event and use that to trigger an action.

entity_id: binary_sensor.wyzesense_????????
from: 'off'
platform: state
to: 'on'

Thanks @richt, tried that and it worked out. Am able to get the automation to work fine now.

FWIW, I just did this and it worked. You’re not actually changing the MAC address on the sensor itself, what you’re doing is updating the MAC address in the local database to re-align it with the sensor itself. I ended up somehow pairing a given sensor twice. One wouldn’t work, but had a valid MAC address; the other worked fine, but had an all zeros MAC. I removed the one that wasn’t working, but had a MAC, using ‘wyzesense.remove’, then I set the MAC on the one that was working. That allowed me to delete the “bad” one. Now the one that was working has a MAC and is operating properly.

How? Can you please explain?

Well, it appears that it didn’t “stick”.
I went into Developer Tools, pulled up the sensor that was reporting an all zeros MAC, and then updated the MAC to what it “should” be. It appeared to take (after hitting Set State)…

However, I just went back and pulled up the sensor in question, it’s MAC is all zeros.
Fortunately for me, it’s still working normally.