X-Sense Security - is it possible to create an integration?

Hi Theo,

sorry for this late answer to post 164:

To be honest, i don’t understand your question, wether i receive this error multiple times. The error occurs each time, the integration re-initializes.
I’m using the hub SBS50 with 6x smoke detectors XS01-M, no other components. Could this issue be a kind of firmware issue either on the hub or the detectors?

Any ideas?
Regards Jens

you are very welcome!

I am also getting this same error with the SC07-WX. Is there a solution yet?

how many of the SC07-WX do you use? If more than one, please do only one in the app and delete the other. after that, please report. for direct support please join the discord channel

Only one, but I’ll join the discord!

Hey everone,

I’ve bought my XS01-WX (no station, just standalone sensor), and while the HACS integration went fine, it seems that the device information are “unavailable”? Is this expected, or am I doing something wrong?

how can i do this?? any idea

thats right??

  "domain": "xsense",
  "name": "X-Sense Home Security",
  "codeowners": ["@theosnel"],
  "config_flow": true,
  "dependencies": [],
  "documentation": "https://github.com/Jarnsen/ha-xsense-component_test/tree/main",
  "homekit": {},
  "integration_type": "hub",
  "iot_class": "cloud_polling",
  "requirements": ["python-xsense==0.0.9", "paho-mqtt"],
  "ssdp": [],
  "zeroconf": [],
  "version": "1.0.9 Alpha"

I think you also have to add „==version_number“ but im not 100% sure if it is necessary.

This is really an outstanding integration so far! Installation through the HACS integration was very simple.

I purchased an SBS50 base station and an SMA51 Mailbox Sensor. The SMA51 is detected right away by the HACS integration. (As shown in the screenshot below.) However, there is not a way to reset the mailbox alarm through Home Assistant as far as I can tell.

For example, after the mailbox is opened the first time, it changes “Alarm Status” and “Mute Status” to “On” in Home Assistant. If you don’t push the button to reset the alarm on the SBS50 base station, then second, third, etc alarms from the Mailbox Sensor will not be caught by Home Assistant since the “Alarm Status” is still “On.”

Will the API let you send every alarm event to Home Assistant, even if the alarm is already triggered? I hope this makes sense. If not I am happy to clarify. :slight_smile:

I have the same sensor, and I posted about it yesterday in Post #210. For me, the Alarm Status and Mute Status both switch to “On” when the sensor is triggered. Have you had any success since your post?

First of all many thanks to the great work you did! I am enjoying XSense since a few weeks and was already wondering if I could somehow integrate it in my own smart home app.

Long story short: I would kindly request that you implement the MQTT device update functionality also in the python-xsense module if possible. Everything is working so far except the temperature update (as some already mentioned here) and I do not use home automation but MQTT is only implemented in this repo…
You would really be my hero if you would have time for that.

For the other interested:
I am kind of a geek and implemented my own “forecast-based model predictive control” so basically a digital twin of my home (it’s kinda fun). Temperature is of course already included, but I would like to visualize the XSense Temperature sensors in my streamlit application as well as archiving the measurements in a db.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

wich version do you use?

I am using version 1.0.7 of the HACS Integration.

Hello, are there anyknown known problems with X-Sense Integration since the last HA Update 2024.8.2? My Integration is not working any more:
Einrichtung fehlgeschlagen, wird erneut versucht: XSense API Issue: Unable to retrieve house data: 200/{“state”:{},“metadata”:{},“version”:186,“timestamp”:1724106001}

hi all, have been busy and enjoyed a few weeks holiday, so didn’t have time to develop further.

This week I continued with the MQTT work.
It was already working, but it was based on an old version of the MQTT component. That component has changed a lot in the meantime, so my code stopped working after updating home assistant.

For now I copied all code, because I don’t want to dependent on that code anymore. It can be remerged later if everything works.
Last night I got the new mqtt-code running and I am now receiving realtime-updates.
The module need some extra work and some testing to get it reliable. I also need to update my test-environment to the latest version of home assistant and hope nothing breaks again.

Meanwhile I also checked the devices. I added an extra binary sensor for the sma51 for a property called “activate”. Hopefully that is the field that indicates that mail is waiting for you. I now have 2 sensors in my environment (don’t know who shared them, but I accepted an invite today). Both sensors are now reporting mail in the app and the properties are set to True for both devices. Hopefully this is the correct property, but I’m not sure yet.
I also looked at the api-calls for testing the sensors. Turned out to be a regular API-call and not via MQTT. Should be fairly easy to include, but I want to finish the other parts first.

@HA-Mike it would be helpful if you could share the devices, especially for the XP0A-MR. It will probably be easy to add the missing co-reading. Can you invite [email protected]?

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@newslettersns2000 It could be that it is broken in 2024.8.2, but I haven’t tested it yet. I’ll update soon and will try to fix any issues.

It’s working again, since 00:15

That sounds great! (I shared my mailbox sensor with you. Happy to help with that.) When the HACS integration is updated, I’ll report back to let you know if it’s working as expected. Thank you very much!

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the last stable release ist 1.0.8 in my repo. thats linked here

@theosnel sounds good, but it´s not working on my configuration.
@Elwinmage can you check the code in the manifest


  "domain": "xsense",
  "name": "X-Sense Home Security",
  "codeowners": ["@theosnel"],
  "config_flow": true,
  "dependencies": [],
  "documentation": "https://github.com/Jarnsen/ha-xsense-component_test",
  "homekit": {},
  "integration_type": "hub",
  "iot_class": "cloud_polling",
  "requirements": ["python-xsense==0.0.9", "paho-mqtt==1.6.1"],
  "ssdp": [],
  "zeroconf": [],
  "version": "1.0.9"