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Hi, I bought the HFS07 set twice two years ago and it would be great to be able to use it in Home assistant. The station is the SBS 2201CB and XS03-iWX smoke detector.
I have shared the devices, but don’t be surprised, some sensors are currently offline.
Thanks for your work and the effort!
@Jarnsen and @theosnel .
If I remember well , CallbackAPIVersion need paho-mqtt >= 2.0.0 is it working if you change it in the manifest?
I tested with change, it will not work. I think there is more to do.
I have a Hub SBS 1B050A in spare. If you need it to test I could give it to you.
I downgraded to version 2024.8.1, but X-Sense still isn’t working with MQTT. My next step will be to try 2024.7.4.
I have added two new smoke detectors, but these are not integrated as new devices, but are added to an existing device
Is this a known bug? A few weeks ago the integration worked without any problems
Were you able to solve this?