I’ve been looking at the forums and nothing is related to the integration of the French device xee with home assistant.
It would be possible to do the integration?, I put here the code that is used for the eedomus platform, which passes the data through the Xee api V4.
Author: Thibautg16
// Version 1 / 24 février 2016 // Initial version
// Version 2 / 30 mai 2016 // multiple Xee modules support
// version 3 / 16 aout 2016 // API v3 update
// version 4 / 9 janvier 2018 // Correction réassociation
$api_url = 'https://cloud.xee.com/v3/';
// Code could change if we link again the eedomusXee app
if ($_GET['mode'] != 'verify')
// first time we didn't have any car_id
$refresh_token = loadVariable('refresh_token'.$_GET['car_id']);
if ($refresh_token == '')
$refresh_token = loadVariable('refresh_token');
$expire_time = loadVariable('expire_time'.$_GET['car_id']);
// if not expired we can keep the old access_token
if (time() < $expire_time)
$access_token = loadVariable('access_token'.$_GET['car_id']);
// we need an access token
if ($access_token == '')
if (strlen($refresh_token) > 1)
// we need to get the refresh token
$grant_type = 'refresh_token';
$postdata = 'grant_type='.$grant_type.'&refresh_token='.$refresh_token;
// Initial code fetching
$code = $_GET['oauth_code'];
$grant_type = 'authorization_code';
$postdata = 'grant_type='.$grant_type.'&code='.$code;
$response = httpQuery($api_url.'auth/access_token', 'POST', $postdata, 'xee_oauth');
$params = sdk_json_decode($response);
if ($params['error'] != '')
// on reessaie avec le token global (l'utilisateur a pu refaire une association)
if ($params['error'] == 'invalid_request' && $grant_type == 'refresh_token')
$refresh_token = loadVariable('refresh_token');
$postdata = 'grant_type='.$grant_type.'&refresh_token='.$refresh_token;
$response = httpQuery($api_url.'auth/access_token', 'POST', $postdata, 'xee_oauth');
$params = sdk_json_decode($response);
if ($params['error'] != '')
var_dump($api_url.'auth/access_token', $postdata);
die("<br><br>Auth error: <b>".$params['error'].'</b> (grant_type = '.$grant_type.')<br><br>'.$response);
// save on eedomus gateway for further use
if (isset($params['refresh_token']))
$access_token = $params['access_token'];
saveVariable('access_token'.$_GET['car_id'], $access_token);
saveVariable('refresh_token'.$_GET['car_id'], $params['refresh_token']);
saveVariable('expire_time'.$_GET['car_id'], time()+$params['expires_in']);
saveVariable('code'.$_GET['car_id'], $code);
// sans car_id, dans le cas de plusieurs Xee, permet de récupérer le code principal
saveVariable('access_token', $access_token);
saveVariable('refresh_token', $params['refresh_token']);
else if ($access_token == '')
//var_dump($api_url.'auth/access_token', $postdata, $response);
die("Auth error :(<br><br>".$response);
$HEADERS = array("Authorization: Bearer $access_token");
if ($_GET['car_id'] == '')
// Fetch user infos
$response = httpQuery($api_url.'users/me?access_token='.$access_token, 'GET', NULL, NULL, $HEADERS);
$data = sdk_json_decode($response);
$user_id = $data['id'];
// Fetch user cars list
$response = httpQuery($api_url.'users/'.$user_id.'/cars?access_token='.$access_token, 'GET', NULL, NULL, $HEADERS);
$data = sdk_json_decode($response);
// car id selection "menu"
echo "Car identifiers (Copy & paste on in eedomus) :";
echo "<br>";
echo "<ul>";
foreach($data as $cars)
echo '<li><b>'.$cars['id'].'</b> : '.$cars['name'].'</li>';
echo "</ul>";
// Fetch car status datas
$response = httpQuery($api_url.'cars/'.$_GET['car_id'].'/status?access_token='.$access_token, 'GET', NULL, NULL, $HEADERS);
$data = sdk_json_decode($response);
// force token expiration for next query
if ($data[0]['message'] == "Token has expired")
saveVariable('expire_time'.$_GET['car_id'], 0);
// "Create a new access token and then retry"
else if ($data[0]['message'] == "Token has been revoked")
saveVariable('expire_time'.$_GET['car_id'], 0);
else if ($data[0]['message'] == "Token does not have the required scope") // Add the status_read scope to your app scopes and reconnect the user
saveVariable('access_token'.$_GET['car_id'], '');
saveVariable('refresh_token'.$_GET['car_id'], '');
saveVariable('expire_time'.$_GET['car_id'], 0);
saveVariable('code'.$_GET['car_id'], '');
// updating position channel
$position_controller_module_id = getArg('position_controller_module_id');
$last_lat_long = loadVariable('last_lat_long'.$_GET['car_id']);
$last_lat_long_time = loadVariable('last_lat_long_time'.$_GET['car_id']);
foreach($data['signals'] as $signals)
if ($signals['name'] == 'VehiculeSpeed')
$speed = $signals['value'];
if ($data['location']['latitude'] != '') // safety
$lat_long = $data['location']['latitude'].','.$data['location']['longitude'].','.$speed;
// if no move, update only each 30 minutes
if ($last_lat_long != $lat_long || time() - $last_lat_long_time > 30 /*minutes*/* 60)
setValue($position_controller_module_id, $lat_long);
saveVariable('last_lat_long_time'.$_GET['car_id'], time());
saveVariable('last_lat_long'.$_GET['car_id'], $lat_long);
echo jsonToXML($response);