Hey everyone,
I’m trying to switch from xiaomi gateways to ZHA integration with a sonoff zigbee bridge.
There are several similar posts in the community but I’m trying to consolidate information and maybe find a solution i missed.
So, the button does not pair up well. Im testing with WXKG01LM - which i think is the first round button version.
You need to longpress the pair button and then keep single pressing it like mad until it is discovered by the ZHA integration.
and Xiaomi WXKG01LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
After it gets discovered by ZHA, it only appears as a battery (for me is at 100% - which i do not believe is accurarte)
No switch entity is registered for the button.
To use the button you need to:
That works and returns different events fired according to how many times you press it.
I get single, double, triple, quadruple and furious (5+ presses).
It does not return “hold” or any long press indication which did work with the original xiaomi gateway integration.
Are there any solutions around to the connection issues?
Any way to track the hold action?
Any template binary_switch example to configure the button as a switch?
Any further information I have missed?
Edit: I also figured out that going to Configuration → Integrations → Zigbee, Configure → Devices → Button in question → Automations Panel and click the + sign, It gives you the option to create automations for single, double, triple, quadruple and quintuple presses. So this solves a lot.
Edit2: I had a button that gave me a hard time connecting. Nothing appearing in logs etc.
I paired with the xiaomi gateway, unpaired it and it connected to ZHA on the first try.