Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

This is awesome!

Just a question, is there a way to enlarge a map? The one that is downloaded from my xiaomi account is teeny-tiny and it’s not very readable.

Sure, you just have to configure map trimming (example, documentation). To increase map resolution after trimming you can add scale as well


Works like a dream, thank you!


My config worked. But after a few days of working, I recently got this error when I click a room to clean.
It runs, but returns when leaving dock. Also after a few secs, the household is visible again from the lovelace card. It appears on every run. Room selection doesn’t work therefor not anymore. Only running from the Xiaomi mi home app. How is this possible? Running on a RPI4B and followed the steps from the lovelace card.

I am googling currently, but couldn’t find a proper solution… Already tried to re run a full calibration of the house. But still having the same issue.

Is it possible that your room IDs have changed? You can try to retrieve them using map extractor

Are you aware of some memory leaks, in your module or maybe somewhere in libs you are using? Our homeassistant started to restart every hour or so and when we checked it was because it run out of memory - python3 process was using it all gradually.

It looks way more stable when we turned off map transformation

This problem is caused by too big scale. Image processing takes too much time and its results seem to be cumulating in the memory.

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I’ve got the same problem as @Joojo.
It’s been quite a few months since it started…

I follow all the ideas there were in the github’s issues: using a device with the same network and trying new access, but the error keeps happening:

Logger: custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.common.xiaomi_cloud_connector
Source: custom_components/xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor/common/xiaomi_cloud_connector.py:122
Integration: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 06:46:02 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:46:02
Additional authentication required. Open following URL using device that has the same public IP, as your Home Assistant instance: https://account.xiaomi.com/identity/authStart?

Any news on it?

I got the tip to change from mi home to roborock app and use that token. But I cant find the instruction on how to get a roborock token. Now the vacum is taken out of HA and placed in Roborock. It is useable. But not ideal…

Dear Piotr,

first of - thanks so much for your work!!! I am new to the HA world & community and still working myself into the system. Your integration really makes it possible for newbies like me to set our vaccums up real nice in the HA Dashboard without knowing all the ins and outs of HA. Thanks!
I am struggeling with one thing thought and it seems I am missing a clue, as I do not see other struggle with it: I have 2 xiaomi vacuum robots (on 2 seprarate floors) and I can’t figure out how to set them up so that they have each their respective maps showing in the dashboard. Setting them up I only get 1 map and that is used for both entities. I probably need to extract 2 maps so each vacuum has its relevant mao? But I just don’t know how to do that.
Could anybody point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance for the help!


You have to provide name in configurations of both cameras

Hi Piotr,

thanks so much for your fast answer! I took me some time but I got it :slight_smile:
Now I have to work on further automations for the vacuum.

Thanks once more.


Installed another robot (Roborock S5) and found a problem.
The map extractor shows 2 incorrectly defined rooms.
And this came from the robot - see a screen from MiHome:
These 2 rooms should be divided in a different way.
OK, since it is not possible to “re-divide” them - I need them to be “merged” in one room (since there is no doors between them in a real life).

I remember that last year I also faced a similar problem (with these rooms and same S5) - and that time I managed to “merge” these rooms - but I do not remember how I did it…
Those two incorrectly divided rooms had numbers like “5”, “6” - and after “merge” this big room got a number like “17”.

Probably I managed to “edit rooms” somehow - but I do not see this feature in Mi Home for S5.
“Map saving” is ON, the last map is displayed in MI Home.

Update: managed to to it!
– select “All” button below the Map in Mi Home;
– select a button on the left - it shows “Edit room”, “No-go zone”, “Map setting”;
– select “Edit room”;
– merge two rooms.

Hello partners.
Could someone tell me how to add the custom map under the map generated by the vacuum cleaner?

It should be possible using picture-elements card. It’s not possible in map card

I can’t overlay the map on an image. Could you show me an example of the code?

something like this:

type: picture-elements
image: /local/background.jpg
  - type: image
    camera_image: camera.extractor
      left: 0
      right: 0
      top: 0
      bottom: 0
      transform: translate(0,0)

You have to change map colors in extractor to transparent to make it see-through

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Hey All first time post and a newbie to this customisation stuff

I think im fairly close but im getting this error when i drop the Lovelace card onto my dasboard


Yaml setup below


  • platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    token: 72374f35505a39536b3654316c533841
    username: [email protected]
    password: 12345678

Thanks in advance

You need to check your HA logs