Xiaomi Cloud Vacuum Map Extractor

can you post your configuration?

this is what i see if i click on the entity

It’s available in the developer’s tools in “States” section

yes, i found it. thanks

out of topic. with gen1 Xiaomi when it get stuck on the corner of a carpet, doing a lot of noise, it is unable to try to move a little bit to keep on doing its job. one solution is to pause and restart, but at this point it deletes the map :sob: Anyone has found a patch for this?

Hello @3_14 ,

is there a way to show the “goto_zone” when doing a zone based cleanup like mi home does ?

Thanks for this great component!

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Hi, great component!

Is there any possibility to obtain map attribute on multifloor configs? S5 Max has this feature and it would great. Now, if I change map in mi home app, I get the new map image and attributes but an attribute with map id or something like that would be interesting to make better automations etc. Thanks!

They should be drawn if you add zones in draw configuration (or if you use all instead).
This is how it looks in my case:

Good idea, I have added map_name attribute. I am not sure though if it will be different on different floors.

I’ve checked, the map name changes on each data update, it is a name like:

map_name: rubyslite%2F261663863%2F16

and the integer after the F change once per second more or less…

Mine go from F1 to F17and starts again.

If I change map in mi home app, nothing different except no_go_areas

Nevermind, I can to know wich map is loaded because on one of the floors, charger attribute is null…

I expected that map_name will be (almost) the same :confused: maybe in the future I will be able to get maps for each floor

and what about rooms? can we use that too in future?

What do you mean by rooms? Right now there is an attribute that provides a list of rooms

i missed that
but i mean, thay you can select somekind of room to start cleaning, probably with the lovelace card, where you can draw z zone

Well, that’s exactly what you can do with Xiaomi Vacuum Map card

yeah, i have that card, but there you can define a zone or draw zones? thats not the same as rooms that are defined in the map editor on xiaomi app ? or am i mssing something?

Yes, you can draw them and define your own list of zones to run (check out gifs in documentation)

ok, i get it :slight_smile:

Can you check if the latest version works for you?

Hi Piotr,
no not yet:

2020-10-12 18:55:05 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [custom_components.xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor.camera] Got exception while fetching the state: No response from the device

i’m using version 2a19cda

Can you change update interval to 15s and check again? It might connect after a few tries. Sometimes you have to refresh page for image to appear