Xiaomi Gateway (Aqara) - compatible?

I would love to know how to add this. I managed to add the HomeKit hub as a HomeKit device but sensors take FOREVER to update. Adding it natively would be much better.

Is there any news about this integration?

Iā€™m using HA .110 and I added the Aqara HomeKit hub to the system today via HomeKit and itā€™s working perfectly. Everything is updating in real time and I can feed anything I want to my HomeKit system (passing through HA).

I would suggest giving it a shot. Just get everything set up in HomeKit mode in the Aqara app and then remove it from you Apple Home. Once thatā€™s done you can add it to the HomeKit Controller integration in HA.

which sensors do you use? No delay? Everything perfect? That would be amazing :open_mouth:

Iā€™m using the contact and motion sensors and both work amazingly well.

Thanks @jjross for your update. Can you please explain us in details what activities we have to do for this integration ?

Hopefully this will help

Hey trejoroman, your message reassures me a little! I have exactly the same problem! If you remember you did, I would be really grateful. :grinning:

I bought this Aqara ZHWG11LM gateway (instead of a Xiaomi).

So if ever you have any indications to give me, I would be great taker :+1:

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