Xiaomi IR Remote Climate Component

Yes, you a right. Feedback from A/C is not possible.

Did u already get the time to work on media player component?

Can you check github repo? Cant add addon store to hassio.
18-09-10 16:49:02 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.addons.git] Clone addon https://github.com/Anonym-tsk/home-assistant-components repository
18-09-10 16:49:05 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.addons.data] Can’t read repository information from /data/addons/git/8a84d12f/repository.json

It is not hassio addon

Hello. Could you tell me how should I use it on hass.io? where should I install your files?
And about making yaml file. Will your script automatically understand the command? As I know, there is a lot of info in every command (When I tap “cool”, remote says which temperature should be, which mode, level of fan…)
Can your script tear apart the command and find which part of it means level of fan

Dear all.

i tried to get this component running with appdaemon heaty but get those problems:

As far as I see this component exposes attrbutes opeation mode but somehow it wont wok with heaty appdaemon…

Could you please throw an eye on it?

You need to put component to /config/custom_components/climate/xiaomi_remote.py and config to /config/YOUR_CONFIG.yaml
Maybe you need ssh or samba addon in hass.io

Try to use ‘off’ with quotes in config.
And your operation_mode must be in operation_list.

I think u misunderstood me. I already run this component perfectly in home Assistant… Could you please setup heaty to reproduce this error in heaty? Heaty needs the attributes operation_mode which is not exposed by your component apparently…just temp etc. Woul like to debug with u cause your component and heaty would add a very important value to Hass :wink:

Here’s the issue for that … I guess the problem is that your component doesn’t expose operation_mode as attributes

Please update version from github and try to use with Appdaemon HEATY.

thanks … git it working in the meanwhie :slight_smile: Did u already work on Media player component for xiaomi IR ? :slight_smile:

No, not yet %)


Thanks for this add-on. You are a life saver!
Just one thing, my AC needs to a power button (same as turn off) to turn on first before I can change the temp / other settings. I noticed this addon doesnt have any turn on command so I have to press power off to turn on and the whole system goes out of sync.
If there a way to add the power on button to this?


Hello. Seems like there is some problem after 0.87 update, I get error that component wasn’t found, was working previously just fine, and tried on clean install of HA, same error. Any ideas what happened?

Please update component from github.

Thanks, didn’t notice there was new version

Just bumping the request earlier. Any way we can build an “On” function for the AC?

stopped working with the latest update

any chance of getting it workin again?