[Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum] Go to location

Hi there,
our robot dock is at a position which is not that great to reach, and we like it that way, because it’s out of the way. I’d like to set some automations up that the robot will go to a specific position in the house when maintanance is due. Via app you can tell the robot to go to a specific location, but it seems this option is not avaiable within the HA integration? Do you have any advice how to tell the robot to go somewhere and just wait there?

Many thaks in advance!

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The underlying python-miio library has support for that. So you can achieve your goal by using the vacuum.send_command service with something like:

  "entity_id": "vacuum.my_robot",
  "command": "app_goto_target",
  "params": [123, 456]

awesome! I’ll try to implement it this weekend.

My example!)))

# script # 
  alias: "Movement to the point"
    - service: vacuum.send_command
        entity_id: 'vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner'
        command: app_goto_target
        params: [26100,27300]

Hello, I’m trying to use ‘goto_target’ but having an issue with retrieving correct coordinates of expected target point. Is there any easy way to get those?

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This is quite an old post, but I stumbled up on this looking for an answer; figured I put in what I have to date.
This is a great read:

In Developer / Services, use the vacuum.send_command service to execute a an app_goto_target with coordinates as params.


entity_id: vacuum.roborock
command: app_goto_target
params: [32400,25500]
  • Coordinates are relative to the dock. x=25500,y=25500 is the dock position. Moving the dock changes the game, so keep it steady unless you want to find these out again.
  • Use the Mii App on your phone, and find the Pin & Go section.
  • Launch a service call to 26500,25500 and see where the location marker is set on the map. You don’t actually have to wait for the bot to get there. Keep doing this until you have the target pin at the desired location.

Still trial an error, but at least not blindfolded :smiley:
Unfortunately I haven’t found anything better to date, e.g. can’t ask the bot (unrooted) to spit out actual coordinates.


The app_goto_target command doesn’t seem to work with the S7, nothing happens and it isn’t listed as compatible on https://github.com/marcelrv/XiaomiRobotVacuumProtocol , is there another new command perhaps?

Yea doesn’t work for me either. Using the app_goto_target leads to “Failed to call service script/1643090217177.” for the dreame d9

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“app_goto_target” now seems to work for the Roborock S7. At least it did today for our new pet.

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