Xiaomi Mijia 1C Sweeping Vacuum Cleaner (white) (STYTJ01ZHM)

I just had a look and noticed it too. This looks like a recent change. There are other ways to calculate your co-ordinates as well.

I managed, seems you need to make a normal clean first , then the log file gets created

I found an script to get the tokens from xiaomi server, i think is more handy than the apk.

Hey @concentric, I noticed an update was available and I updated.

After restarting, the vacuum was no longer available. Iā€™m going to try and roll back the update.

Update: A few restarts later, the vacuum is back!

Yikes. Restoring files to my backup from before the update didnā€™t help. Itā€™s still showing as vacuum not available. It doesnā€™t show up in my entities either. :frowning:

@concentric Scratch that. After a couple of restarts to process all the back logged updates, it seems to be working again.

hello, noob here. can you share a link to that sick card of the vacuum? i suspect those room icons are linked to the scripts for zone cleaning?

Yes, the room icons are linked to scripts. Tha card is that Xiaomi Vacuum Card

would you mind sharing your partial config linked to this card? i cant seem to get to put the same picture, maybe im mistaking some path. im a bit noob (95% noob), just started with HA and"coding". also i didnt got to the part of adding the scripts to it. im guessing it should be done directly in the config.yaml, since UI doesnt support it

I found the image in internet and put in the folder ā€œconfig/www/ā€.
Here is the IMAGE

type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-card'
entity: vacuum.robot_aspirador
image: /local/vacuum.png
name: Robot Aspirador
vendor: xiaomi
state: true
attributes: false
  locate: false
  stop: false
  pause: false
    icon: 'mdi:shower'
    label: Custom button!
    service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.limpiar_bano_pau
    icon: 'mdi:bed'
    label: Custom button!
    service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.limpiar_hab_mama
    icon: 'mdi:chef-hat'
    label: Custom button!
    service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.limpiar_cocina
    icon: 'mdi:sofa'
    label: Custom button!
    service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.limpiar_salon
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thanks. so im suspecting you placed the vacuum.png in the config folder?

and the config you just pasted goes directly into gonfig.yaml? sry, im just a noob. this is how my config entry looks like atm:

- url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-card/xiaomi-vacuum-card.js
type: module

im guessing correcting your to my scripts should workā€¦

No, you have to click on the three dots (up right), and click on ā€œEdit Dashboardā€, next click on ā€œ+ Add cardā€ (down right), and finally click on Manual card and paste the code there with yours modifications.

i get some error UI doesnt support ā€¦

Did you install the custom card with HACS??

yes. i get the warning, but apparently it works. Thanks, you saved a pleb from losing a few hours of his life. its damn good to find a friendly mate, that can teach you a thing. Thank you Sir

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Hello! With (Simple) Vacuum Card (xiaomi-vacuum-card) all the attributes (main brush, side brush etc) appear as ā€œunavailableā€. Any fix for this?

Ok I found the problem. You need to redefine the attributes as shown in the in the custom component Iā€™m ussing for the vacuum.

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Hey! Iā€™m a totally new owner of a 1c, and this forum helped a lot integrating it into HA, but it looks like I have completely different output with the modified apk linked above, and cannot figure out how to get the coordinates from it.
Any chance somebody found out?

Today is my first-time configuring home assistant, and after the configurationā€¦ I canā€™t see the Entity. The point is:

  • List item

I have the folder xiaomi_vacuum in custom_components

  • List item

I have the code in configuration.yaml

And, after the reboot, the entity is not available in the Developer tools menu, but, if I use the platform xiaomi_miio the Entity is available. What should I change?

Best regards!

Your configuration.yaml must look like this:

  - platform: xiaomi_vacuum
    host: the_ip_of_the_vacuum
    token: the_token_of_the_vacuum
    name: some_name