Xiaomi Mijia 1s Vacuum Integration not working

I recently bought this Xiaomi Mijia 1s vacuum based on posts here that say it works with the existing Mifia integration, but I can’t get it appear in HA. It’s always Unavailable. :neutral_face:

I’ve tried the token as lowercase as well as uppercase.

I’m on the latest version of HA Core.

My config

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    token: cfd17d4dea2f1316092c82519f464d00
    name: XiaomiVacuum

My error log (get these every 20 seconds or so);

2020-02-28 23:03:38 WARNING (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.components.xiaomi_miio.vacuum] Got exception while fetching the state: No response from the device
2020-02-28 23:03:49 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of vacuum.xiaomivacuum is taking over 10 seconds

The token should be correct:

And the IP address of my vacuum (from my vacuum Network settings screen):

Any suggestions much appreciated :smiley:

I had exactly the same problem. Spend one day to figure it out, but it is simply. You are using wrong token.
Your screenshot is from Mijia/Xiaomi hub, right? Token here is not from Vacuum - please use Mi Home app version 5.4.54 method. And here again, when you search “token” in log file, skip that one
cfd17d4dea2f1316092c82519f464d00 and search next, you will se second one, also with word
“Mi Robot Vacuum” - this is correct one.

Thanks, that’s very promising!

I remember the wording on that part of the instructions was a bit vague, I was wondering if there was any chance they were referring to some other token. I’ll look into the older app method, I’m iOS but have an old android somewhere I can use.

You can get the token with iOS as well, just read the instructions

Thanks! Running a fresh phone backup now. I didn’t understand at first but think I’ve got it now.

That ? at the end of “XIAOMI HOME APP (XIAOMI AQARA GATEWAY, ANDROID?)” threw me off :smiley: On the iOS Xiaomi app I can tap that menu and get the 2 hidden developer menus with the json format, so I thought I was following the correct procedure. Doh!

It’s working! Many thanks! :partying_face: