Xiaomi potential new devices (Aqara, EigenStone)

I’ve managed a supplier in Alibaba after sending several query. Never the less be aware that it’s not working with xiaomiy gateway.

For the moment I setup esp32 with openmwttgateway and it is working fone so far, But if there will be a new gateway with ble… I’ll go for it :slight_smile:

Hola Ruben

it is a sad surprise that the product has been discontinued, for me, it seemed to be the easiest way to integrate xiaomi sensors with third-party products at least in my case. And I still see it in MiHome App??.. I thought I could create rules to, for instance, extend the awning when the temperature is above o below something…

If it is still possible to buy one I would give it a try in any case.

Do you guys suggest any other way to do such integration in an easy way??

many thanks in advance


I’ve managed a supplier in alibaba. Never the less as I said I’m unable to add to Xiaomi gateway. The relay itself looks to be added to the network (wen I add it the light stops blinking) indicating that it has been added but the gateway does not add it and also does not expose it.

Hoping it will be possible to integrate this one to HA.

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I’ve been able to add dual channel relay to xiaomi gateway. Does any one know how I can check if it’s being exposed or not. In home assistant I can’t detect it.

After some restarts I get the error messag:

The device with sid 158d0001b765a3 isn’t supported of the used gateway firmware. Please update the gateway firmware if possible! This is the only way the issue can be solved.

Does any one know how I can overcome this?

did you update the gateway?
can you link the product in question?
it might not yet be supported if its the latest release

I’ve had this for some months now, but up until know I was not able to pair it with the gateway. Today I’ve updated the firmware and I was able to pair it. I bought this in alibaba and besides Lumi site I haven’t found it anywhere else. You can see the pictures below:

yup first time i saw one

Could you post the link for the site where you bought it?

Interested by the link too !

I tried to look for the reference on alibaba but couldn’t find it :frowning:

Try looking for Shenzhen Zeyue Technology Co.,Ltd in alibaba. I bought from them.

Couldn’t find it in their shop.

Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

So this is up on Ali now. What do you think, will there be an integration with home assistant?

Aqara Relay is on Ali now.



Very interesting, did you find a manual? I could find many ways to install it, too bad is a bit big to put inside wall sockets, that could limit a lot its use. That black cable is connected to a thermometer?

No, this is antenna

that’s strange: there are tens of aqara devices very tiny and without antenna, why would that bulky object need an antenna?