Xiaomi/Roborock Vacuum Firmware update

I am running Home Assistant 110.5 and firmware version 358_0358. I did notice a while back that things changed. I am fine with the change if they are both in sync. The problem is that the fan_speed_list reports Silent, Standard, Medium, Turbo, Gentle, which seems to be in line with new changes but the fan_speed sensor reports unknown which makes it tough to see the actual fan speed. That along with the fact that the mi homes app still reports the old fan speeds in kinda confusing.

Edit: duh, I think I figured it out. I was templating the numbers into an actual readable value. Now that fan speed is recorded in an actual readable value, I no longer need the template sensor, which obviously now reports unknown

The app still reports different values than Home Asssitant’s fan_speed_list though. Easy enough to get around.

I have a Xiaomi vacuum V1 (FW : 3.5.8_004018) and since the update (one or two weeks ago), the fan speed options have changed.
I still have these ‘named’ options in the app, but they are now reported as numbers in HomeAssistants.
For those interested, here is the correspondance:
Silent --> 38
Standard --> 60
Turbo --> 75
Max --> 100

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Can you still change the fan speed from home assistant? It doesnt work for me anymore.
V1 on FW 3.5.8_004018

I tried to override fan_speed_list from configuration but looks like it doesnt work…

I have 4 modes in the app and 5 modes in HA

yes, you can, i use this command in script:

- service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
    entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
    fan_speed: 101

Fan Speed are:
Quiet = 101
Balanced = 102
Turbo = 103
Max = 104

Buenos dias.

Pudiste arreglar el problema de fan_speed.
A mi tambien me aparece el valor de 60 en vez de standard.

Un Saludo.

Yes, you are in the exact same configuration as mine.
The commands are :

  - service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
      entity_id: vacuum.aspirateur_xiaomi
      fan_speed: 75

with fan speed = 38, 60, 75 or 100 for ‘silent’, ‘standard’, ‘turbo’ and ‘max’ respectively in the app.

I think the values 101, 102, 103 etc. are for another version of the vacuum.

thanks for your reply. I flasehd valetudo now. can recommend

I have the roborocks s4. If I do {{state_attr('vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner', 'fan_speed_list' ) }} I get this list:
[‘Silent’, ‘Standard’, ‘Medium’, ‘Turbo’, ‘Gentle’]

But every night I get the following two errors and I can’t figure out why:

  1. Got exception while fetching the state: Unable to discover the device 192.168.x.x
Logger: homeassistant.components.input_select
Source: components/input_select/__init__.py:256 
Integration: Input select (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: January 11, 2021, 3:04:31 AM (6 occurrences) 
Last logged: 1:02:19 PM

Invalid option: (possible options: Silent (101), Balanced (102), Turbo (103), Max (104))

They happen within seconds of each other. The first one has always happened. Prob something to do with checking for updates of something, but the second one just recently started. Any ideas on why this is happening!

The first one is normal: at night the vacuum disconnect from wifi. I don’t know why but for my Roborock it is every night at 3:13.
Regarding the 2nd one, could you show us your input_select code? It seems that you are using values other than Silent, Balanced, Turbo and Max

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For Robot V1 users (fw: 3.5.8_004018), setting fan speed by using default vacuum card doesn’t work anymore.
Can be fixed by going to Configuration/Customizations and putting [“38”,“60”,“75”,“100”] in “Fan speed list” of the robot (vacuum) entity.
or put this into customize.yaml (replace “vacuum.robot” with your entity name):

  - '38'
  - '60'
  - '75'
  - '100'

It works fine after doing this.

New fw update for Roborock S5 vacuum:
My current version: 3.5.7_002008
New version: 3.5.8_002034

Has anybody installed it and did it cause any issues with home assistant?


Yes did it!
No issue at all!

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Thanks, I figured it out. I was mapping the wrong values.

thank you, same for me, no issue with new firmware.

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Do you know if the update introduces and improvements?

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as i read there’s improvement only for water management in xiaomi roborock s6

Is anyone using multiple floors? How does this work with the map in HA, can you switch from HA? Does it switch automatically?

Hello, how can I locate the IP address on the mi app as I want to connect. My roborock to the floleVac app, thankyou

You can find it from your router