Xiaomi Sherlock Smartlock

I think you probably could with a fair bit of modding if you are a bit handy with that kind of thing. Take a look at what I had to do with mine (see videos). It did take me a few attempts and a fair bit of thinking to get mine working.

Thanks, I’m debating between trying this out our full diy with a servo to turn it for me…

Hi everyone, quite new here.

i wanted to hack the bluetooth fob to remotely unlock and lock the doors, i was thinking of using item’s i had lying around and came up with 2 ideas based of the comments i’ve read:

1- somehow solder an RF switch to the button and control via broad link (although a double press to lock could be an issue)
2-make use of the sonoff wifi switch which i believe has the same internals as a esp8266.

anyone can guide me in the right direction? the two options came to mind since i would like to have Alexa integration as well, so RF through the broadlink, or EWElink for the sonoff.

any thoughts?

I’m not that sure, but I think option 2 would work, and you could just use Esphome. Have a browse on the Esphome site? https://esphome.io/devices/sonoff_basic.html

anyone has tried making the code for ESPhome? i have little to no knowledge on this, not sure which pins to utilize either, if it’s not a hassle could anyone simplify this for me?

Not sure how to use a Sonoff, but you have a problem on how to power the 3,3V Keyfob, unless you keep the 3,3V battery and you power the Sonoff with 220V, or you use the Sonoff with 220V and a power supply for the Keyfob.

I do not like to mess with 220V with these kind of project, lots of potential hazard.

I think its easier buying a Wemo D1, or Nodemcu (like 5$) and use the code that is provided also in this forum: for the power use a simple smartphone adaptor 220/5V and attach both the NodemCU and the Keyfob as explained in this thread.

Below the esphome code

  name: door_bridge
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  # Modify variables based on your settings
  hostname: 'door bridge'

  - ssid: xxx
    password: xxx
  - ssid: xxx
    password: xxx
# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  port: 80

#       door
  - platform: gpio
      number: D0
      inverted: yes
    id: relay
  - platform: template
    name: "close_door"
    icon: "mdi:gate"
    - switch.turn_on: relay
    - delay: 500ms
    - switch.turn_off: relay
  - platform: template
    name: "open_door"
    icon: "mdi:gate"
    - switch.turn_on: relay
    - delay: 500ms
    - switch.turn_off: relay
    - delay: 100ms
    - switch.turn_on: relay
    - delay: 500ms
    - switch.turn_off: relay

  - platform: restart
    name: $hostname Restart

  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: $hostname WiFi Signal
    update_interval: 60s
  - platform: uptime
    name: $hostname Uptime
  - platform: version
    name: $hostname ESPHome Version
  - platform: wifi_info
      name: $hostname WiFi    
  - platform: status
    name: $hostname status
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Im trying to get it to work but seems like there is an issue with the timing for the clicks.

I removed the button from the pushbutton, so i cant honestly remember the sequence of presses to lock and unlock the door.

Was it single click to unlock and double to lock? And what timings worked the best for you guys?

I’m reading this, and thinking, heck yeah, a smart lock without any cloud nonsense, I like!

Really good work on the ESP integration too, but the Xiaomi reed thingy looks a bit choppy, nofi.
I was looking at the ESPHome website and came across the MPU6050 sensor. Which is an Accel/Gyro sensor. As far as I can see from the picture below it will measure some kind of degree of tilt. Isn’t this able to be integrated in a fashionable manner to the Sherlock?
My house is currently being built, but I’m exploring some options for when it’s done :slight_smile:

I tried a similar xiaomi sensor as my first preference, but it didn’t quite do the job. Maybe you’ll have better luck with your one. My reed switch has been pretty solid. But yeah, a tilt sensor may be more elegant. See here. Xiaomi Sherlock Smartlock

But that sensor needs to be wired in right? So could be hard to fit/mount/place?

Yeah that needs to be wired in. But when a ESP is already onboard you can plug it in there.

The only concern I have is the wiring from/to the sensor, which has to turn with the knob… :slight_smile:

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I also stumbled across this recently which I guess could be the most reliable for many doors as it detects actual latching. I made a simple lock sensor with Xiaomi Door Sensor, some battery holders and a soldering iron

And more ideas here: How I made my dumb locks a little smarter!

Hi friend, please tell how remote distance sherlock M1 with internet connection ? With xiaomi gateway maybe? Please help

The easiest solution still involves a bit of hacking. This might get you started.

So i don’t need to connect the ESP8266/NodeMCU to my HA Server directly?

But you don’t motorize the door status, only get the ability to open or close.

Did you see that?

Did anybody try using sonoff?


M1 model does not work with keyfob it works on Bluetooth only

total failure sherlock s2 cannot be installed neighter on iPhone 8 or Samsung (Android, same manu stuck at middle way… I have to return this junk!!