Xiaomi Vacuum cleaner Card

Really nice work :+1:

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Where did you get params to zone cleanup?

You need to get it manually, either get the map from your vacuum or take a screenshot of the map then start plotting the coordinates. Something like 25500,25500 is the starting coordinates.
I can’t recall the measurement but a 1000 is equal to a meter or so, you’ll need to do some Google for that.

Plan B, start doing trial and error. Send the command on Hassio with the coordinates and check at the same time in Mi Home app, the “zone” will show up in the map once the vacuum receives the command.

Then you can hook it up with IFTTT to manage it with Google Assistant via a webhook. “Hey Google, clean my bedroom” or the kitchen, etc. IFTTT receives the command from Google Assistant and sends a HTTP post/request (webhook), which in HA will trigger an specific script to clean an area.


Thank you very much!

I keep getting Entity not available: input_select.vacuum_room.

any hints?

is this the part that was missing:


      - "bedroom"
      - "guestroom"
      - "living_room"
      - "kitchen"
      - "dining_room"

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Yes, that’s the part I missed. I just added it to my post. Well, your input_select is loading so it must be something else. Either way here’s the part I missed in my post:

    name: Choose a room to clean
      - Select Input
      - bedroom
      - guest room
      - dining room
      - kitchen
      - living room

Here’s my :slight_smile:
I use packages. I’ve uploaded the code to whoever wants to:


Background picture:


I like your layout. can you share the lovelace config?

It’s not possible to select rooms with the first generation vacuum cleaner, right? Only for the roborock



Gen1 has exactly the same features as Roborock. Only difference is the improved sensors (which to be honest is hard to tell the difference in real life usage, the navigation is identical), detection of rugs, the mopping and slightly higher clearance (I haven’t had any issues on rugs). I also set up the room cleaning.

If the difference is negligible in price for you, go for Roborock. Some people say the reliability on Gen1 isn’t the best and the vacuum stops working or refuses to clean due to the sensor on top failing which is a bit expensive to replace, aside from that nothing else. I have had it for over a year already, haven’t had any issues at all, I think the same goes for many people :slight_smile:

You can’t go wrong with either one, both are a far better purchase than any other robo vacuum out there.

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I made also a small vacuum cleaner card.
Not with the picture element but with the glance element

The “Wartung” section can be collapsed


I like how it looks! How did you make the section collapsible? Can you share your config?

I’m using fold-entity-row

you con find my config on github

Very beautiful and nice. Do you mind sharing your hadashboard page

Here you go

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Is it possible to share your ui-lovelace from the part of xiaomi vaccum?

Thank you!

great work!

Do you mind sharing the two pictures,

timer-off timer