Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner - new Options - Zoning

Yeah, once you have changed the region you have to register your device again and hence the token gets renewed.

About the zones: If your map size does not change (e.g. after you have mapped your entire apartment), it should stay the same. On the app, mine hasn’t changed at all.

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If you haven’t a wife that move manually the vacuum into the room she wants to clean :joy:

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That’s why it would be awesome if she could tell the vacuum to go and clean a specific room that you have preset :wink:

Hey guys,

So I got everyhting up and running and it’s awesome :slight_smile: . I did a little howto on the whole process, so please check it out: Howto xiaomi vacuum zoned cleaning


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Hi guys

Can someone please tell me how good is the Xiaomi Vacuum Cleaner in terms of vacuum and cleanliness ?

I am planning to buy the 2nd gen and wanted some tips on how to set its app up and how to link it to HA?


I think it’s great. The mopping feature is neat - don’t expect too much - but it helps to keep everything clean longer. The vacuum is ok in the corners. Since it’s relatively high hight it cannot go underneath a lot if things, so those areas will pile up with dust :wink:

Check out my howto on how to setup and use the vacuum with HA (see above)

Right I see.

But in terms of picking up crumbs, hair etc does it do a good job?

Yes, it does. Even on carpets it’s really good.

I do have my now in daily use (thanks to home automation, start at 10 am if now one is home) since 3 months now, I am more then happy with it.
But I do have only version one as I do not need version two.
I watched a lot reviews and youtube videos, there are thousands of it.
I am not regeretting the decision at all.

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