Xiaomi Viomi V1/V2 support

Hi sorry but I’m newbye with Home Assistant. I’ve already installed Home assistant core on my raspberry and I wan trying to configure my Xiaomi mop pro 2 vacuum. I’ve created the folder custom_components in my config folder in HA and I copied the files in it. Then I set up the configuration.yaml like explained with IP address and token (put in the secret.yaml file), but when I add the card in my dashboard, the entity appears disabled and I don’t know why…Just rebooted HA many times without success. Please help me thanks.Immagine 2021-12-18 120431

Below the configuration.yaml:

  - platform: miio2
    token: !secret vacuum
    name: Mi hihi

I still haven’t solved the problem of repetition

Mi Robot Vacuum-mop Essential, model MJSTG1 is possible now, at first you need HACS installed, after that, Go to HACS > Integrations, and install " Xiaomi Miot Auto", restart the Home Assistant, and put the next in your configuration.yaml file:

username: !secret xiaomi_username
password: !secret xiaomi_password
server_country: de
language: zh
idle: ‘空闲’
busy: ‘工作中’
‘straight wind’: ‘直吹模式’
‘natural wind’: ‘自然风’
moist: ‘微湿’
extra: ‘特干’

miot_local: true
chunk_properties: 7

Check configuration, restart HA again, and … tachaaaaaannnn! THe vacuum is not alone anymore, Found a new Digital Sweet Home!

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Can you control washer drying level with this customization?