Xiaomi Yeelight E27 bulb component

Yeah, I know how to to it with the Yeelight bulbs but with the smart desk lamp the developer option is missing for the moment, maybe it could be added with some update… Not a big deal though since the bulbs are way more important

Will it be possible to make the switch disabled if the bulb is offline. At the moment the switch acts as its working when the bulb is powered off by the wall switch.

Also when do you plan to include this component in the official component list?


After updated Homeassistant to 0.29, my yeelights are no longer working. In the log, it gives these errors…

16-09-30 03:40:30 homeassistant.loader: Unable to find component light.yeelight
16-09-30 03:40:30 homeassistant.bootstrap: Unable to find platform light.yeelight

Anyone else encounter this?

Where did you put the yeelight.py file? This Yeelight component is not yet official component.
You need to place it into .homeassistant/custom_components/light
If you put it into main homeassistant/components/light then I think it was deleted during update.
I have it in custom components and it worked like before.

Will anyone move Yeelight as offical component?

It is OK now. It was due to permission issue.

Thank you all for testing! I will publish a new version (including RGB and color temp) tomorrow.

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Hype! :grin:Thank you!

I updated the code again fot testing. https://github.com/mxtra/yeelight-ha/blob/master/yeelight.py. Please note that you have to enable developer mode in Yeelight App to make it work. There is also a problem with getting the current state from the bulb. This also means that White lights will be treated as RGB bulbs as well. I will look into it when I find some time.

Please test it and report back.

Thank you for your time and effort into this! Based on this thread i bought 2 rgbw bulbs.
I just tried your code.

  1. Brightness; working perfectly!
  2. Color temperature; can be used to set white color from cold white to warm white.
  3. Color picker is working perfectly aswell!

Yes when i use the yeelight app to turn off or on the light i don’t see a ha state change. (that’s the problem you described i think.) But for me it’s not a big issue.

is it possible to use rgb values and brightness in automation now?

is it possible to use rgb values and brightness in automation now?

Yeah, that should work now w/o problem.

Thank you for your work. It seems to work just fine. Will report back if i find some issues.

I also confirm that it works very well. Thank you!
State reporting doesn’t work as you wrote so HA doesn’t know if the lamp was turned on or off manually. But if it’s done only from HA it works ok.

Does the component verifies which bulb is it working with? I mean, will it be able to work in when both RGB and white bulbs will be used with HA at the same time?

What am I doing wrong? When I add ip to configuration.yaml, HASS wont start again… ?

After starting the hass service I check with “top” and It starts and then dissapears after 3-5 seconds…

What do the contents of your error log look like? Its likely there is an error in your config file that is now allowing it to start. The log should give you some clues as to where the error is.

16-10-03 16:06:43 homeassistant.util.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/home/hass/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml”, line 67, column 13

But that error is 2 hours ago, Im not getting any new ones…

Line 67 columm 13 is marked by (X) in the following

   platform: yeelight
   automatic_add: False
        name(X): NAME1
        name: NAME2

Am I not supposed to add IP? The problem goes away as soon as I remove ip… But then Lights dont work and Yes I have enabled developer mode.

Try this…

  platform: yeelight
  automatic_add: False
      name(X): NAME1
      name: NAME2

Watch out for the indentation. Make sure it is 2 spaces per indentation.

Thanks! How did I not see that? It works perfectly now!

Hi i was trying to get “transition” working with turn_off and turn_on but i don’t think it works. So is it actually possible to use that? (it is working great transitioning between colors)

Well, this would require some changes in the library I guess. I will give it a try when I find some time.

Thank you for your response. it would be nice if you give it a try.
I created sort off a little workaround. It dims the lights based on two scenes which are called from a script.
But i think if you manage to implement it, it would look better.

Workaround to dim light and then turn them off:


name: dim
      state: on
      brightness: 2
      transition: 5
      state: on
      brightness: 2
      transition: 5


name: offf
      state: off
      state: off

Then i use this script to activate both scenes:


   - service: scene.turn_on
     entity_id: scene.dim
   - delay:
      seconds: 5     
   - service: scene.turn_on
     entity_id: scene.offf