Xknx how to install

Hello , i have my knx project and it has a line coupler for 3 floors and i can’t communicate with my knx through home assistant unless i changed the configuration to

host: xxx.xxx.xxx
(but i have this problem it says error xknx setup failed why?)

Did you take a look at the documentation?

yeah i did , and the knx is working fine with me but when i add a line coupler so the floor could communicate with each other through it , the knx stop responding from home assistant
i looked for this problem and i found that to solve the problem through Home Assistant Integration - XKNX

And did you create the custom component and copy the code from github?

i did create the custom components and added the file but i’m not sure wich file is the correct

so i need help to know wich file is the one to add in custom components

You need to add all of them, but are you running HA in a virtual environment and did change the xknx library?

home assistant is running through raspberry pi4

could you please add the link and i’ll add all of them and check

No, I want to know which installation method you are using? Also on which version are you?

System Health

version: core-2021.10.6
installation_type: Home Assistant OS
dev: false
hassio: true
docker: true
user: root
virtualenv: false
python_version: 3.9.7
os_name: Linux
os_version: 5.10.17-v8
arch: aarch64
timezone: Asia/Riyadh

logged_in: false
can_reach_cert_server: ok
can_reach_cloud_auth: ok
can_reach_cloud: ok

host_os: Home Assistant OS 6.5
update_channel: stable
supervisor_version: supervisor-2021.10.8
docker_version: 20.10.7
disk_total: 28.6 GB
disk_used: 5.3 GB
healthy: true
supported: true
board: rpi4-64
supervisor_api: ok
version_api: ok
installed_addons: File editor (5.3.3), Samba share (9.5.1), Terminal & SSH (9.2.1), SSH & Web Terminal (9.0.1)

dashboards: 2
resources: 0
views: 12
mode: storage

i used to install the files samba share and also ssh terminal

You’d beed to update the xknx library, as currently it is using the one from the standard integration. It’s a bit difficult to do this with your install method and also on the next update of HA, you’d need to do it again, as it will be overwritten on each update.

I don’t like to tag people, but as far as I remember you are the KNX expert, maybe you can help out?

Thanks for the info and yeah it’s a bit difficult but if i did it once the next time will be easier

Hi :wave:!
I do not recommend to use the custom component at all. Just use the builtin integration. You can find documentation about that here: KNX - Home Assistant

If it stops working after you changed something in your installation (e.g. add a line) that’s a problem that has to be solved by fixing knx topology - using the custom component won’t change that.

The knx built in integration is working fine without the line coupler but if i added the line coupler to the knx there is no respond from lights or shutters and i need the line coupler to make the 1st floor connect to 2nd floor

As I said, that sounds like a topology problem. To fix this one would have to know how the installation is set up and exactly what is working and what doesn’t, as well as logs etc.
Do you have a professional KNX installer or is it a DIY installation and you do the ETS project yourself?

No I didn’t do the knx installation nor the ets project , it’s a professional installer and an engineer i talked to him and he was helping me to configure the problem but we didn’t came up with a solution and all the wiring is connected well and the installation there is no wrong with it

But as i said if i removed the zennio line coupler and try on 1st floor working fine but the communication doesn’t pass through if i reattached the line coupler to the 2nd floor this is all the problem

So you can communicate with the line the IP interface is connected to - regardless if the line coupler is installed or not? Only the line behind the coupler isn’t reachable? Are you using KNX secure anywhere?

Are you using tunneling or routing? If you don’t know you can find out in the logs by setting xknx.log to debug before HA startup - see KNX logs