Xknx how to install

That’s exactly the problem , I don’t know if it’s secure or not but if it’s secured i think the whole knx won’t work with the ip/inteface right?
And i’m using ip/interface not routing
And i’ll make the debuge for logs in configure and i’ll send it

My knx configuration

Is there anything helpful in the photos?

This all looks perfectly fine.
I guess it’s just an issue with the filter tables in your line coupler. Your knx installer should know how to fix that. See also Response telegrams are not passing a line coupler

Any warnings when you configure entities with GAs (and state addresses) used on the other line?

Thanks i’ll talk to him and see if he can help with this

  • Use a dummy device in ETS for Home Assistant. These can be found in the ETS online catalog. Assign it to the line your interface connects Home Assistant to and link its communication objects to the group addresses you are using in Home Assistant. ETS will generate filter tables that are applied to your line couplers after updating their application.)

This is the solution right?

I’m not aware of ETS but i’ll tell him this solution and see if he can fix it for me thanks again farmio :+1:t3:

Which dummy device is gonna use ?
And why is it asking for press button while the device is virtual ?

I always used the large Gira one without secure - but it shouldn’t matter.
When you are done connecting group addresses and dummy group objects you don’t have to programm the dummy (which is not possible) but the line coupler - ETS should have an updated filter table for it and it should also be listed in the “modified devices” folder - whereas the dummy will not be listed there afaik. See https://support.knx.org/hc/en-us/articles/115003381365-Dynamic-folders
Its a good idea to always start programming from that folder so you don’t miss updating filter tables for changes you made - but then again you knx professional should really be well aware of that.

is there any way that you could explain how to the dummy well be in the line coupler or in the folder ?

we tried and we couldn’t figure it out

The dummy won’t be in the folder. Only the coupler will have to update its application.
You’ll have to assign the dummy to the same line your IP interface is.

You can try these things from ETS GroupAddress monitor. You should be able to read GAs from the other line - provided you connect to the same line as you do from HA.

If you can’t get it working, maybe your coupler has an option to just don’t filter anything and pass all telegrams to each side. That would be worth a try.

If this still doesn’t work, you may have deeper topology issues , but I can’t tell from what your screenshots.

Doyou have a screenshot so it could be more clear
sorry for that

What IA does your IP interface have? In which line? Is it 1.0.1 ?
Could you open the subline-trees?

The IP interface is 1.0.1
Line Coupler 1.0.0
Dummy 1.0.7

The line coupler needs too be the 0 device of the subline. So if it connects mainline 1.0 with subline 1.1 it has to be 1.1.0
Like on your 1.2 line. What does 1.0.0 even connect physically?

i have a line coupler in subline 1.0.0
and each floor does have a line coupler

so the dummy is in the right place like the photo i send it to you ?

1.0.0 can’t be a subline. It has to be the main line all sublines 1.x.0 line couplers connect to.

So I get from your response that the dummy is in the wrong place?
or the KIPI in the wrong place?
“the KIPI is the IP/Interface 1.0.1”

IA For the IP/Interface is