Xknx how to install

No, they are both fine probably. Either the coupler is in the wrong place or your cabling is messed up.
I suggest reading https://www.knx.org/wAssets/docs/downloads/Marketing/Flyers/KNX-Basics/KNX-Basics_en.pdf from page 12 (or better yet all of it, it’s a good introduction to knx).

I hope your at least not charged for that :grimacing:

We Tried the z41com and the application works fine with it that means the line coupler and the wires all good ,

but all the problem is the home assistant not responding to the knx tunneling

I don’t know what that is :man_shrugging:
It’s really hard to help you out with the little information you give when describing your installation and the actual errors you get.

HA will never “respond to tunneling” - it will only initiate a tunneling connection.
If there is a problem with HA connecting to your tunneling interface it will log that. If it doesn’t it all comes down to your ip interface and subsequent installation.
You can just check where the problem is by using the ETS GroupAddress Monitor or Bus Monitor.