Yale smart alarm additional sensors


There was a custom integration available to expose additional sensors from Yale Smart Alarm using GitHub - mattinglis/YaleBinarySensor: Yale Smart Alarms Binary Door Sensors for Homeassistant. This was working perfectly until the release of updated yale integration with 2021.8.0. For some reason, if i include the below lines in config, official yale integration doesn’t work.

  - platform: yalebinarysensor
    username: !secret email
    password: !secret password
    additional_sensors: True

is there anyway to bring these additional sensors back to HA as these were very useful with automations such as reminder when the door is not locked (yale conexis L1 lock status) or if the door is open etc (status from yale smart alarm contact sensor)

The custom integration has now been updated and I confirm working with latest 2021.8.2 version.

Hope that helps.