Yale Smart Living: Alarm control panel states

I have a Yale Sync Smart alarm at home and use the Yale Smart Living integration, which I am relatively happy with.

One feature which I think is missing is that it only seems to have three states:

  • disarmed
  • armed home
  • armed away

I wanted to setup an automation to execute when the alarm is actually triggered, but it seems this integration doesn’t have an appropriate entity state for this.

The alarm was actually triggered last night (bloody spiders) so I checked the Logbook but all I see it is going from a state of armed, to disarmed - no triggered or anything similar. The Yale app logs that the alarm was triggered, and from which room, so the state of the alarm must be exposed.

Can anyone confirm whether or not they have managed to find a way to expose the triggered state, or whether it just doesn’t exist within HA?


Same here.

Also the alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger does not seem to do anything so it is not possible to fire the alarm with automations.

Does anyone know where to get more info about the Yale Alarm API?
Is there a dept or team at Yale to talk to?

The HA component seems to come from here

Did anyone find a solution to this?

Automations from an alarm activation would be great

Alarm goes off

starts blasting from the speakers

Phillips hue lights start flashing red

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I have tried to set up an automation as a trigger seems to be available in the drop down list for the alarm but it doesnt seem to do anything when the alarm is triggered

has anyone figured out how to turn on all the lights when the alarm is triggered?
thank you

Just bumping this to see if anyone has achieved this yet…if so please help

I am on the same boat also, thought the below trigger would work for the automation but nothing happens

Have also tried indivindual sensors to change state (e.g. window changes from closed to open state) but no luck either, automation is never trigerred.

Hi, I am not great with HA but I got what you want to do to work via Google Home.

Just bumping this to see if there has been any change to getting the lights to come on when the alarm is triggered thanks Nobber