Yale Z-Wave Module 2 and USB Z Wave stick?

do you have the updated firmware module from Yale? there is an issue with the old one that showed similar issues to me

How did you get it? I couldn’t find a way online.

I called them and they sent it out to me. Certainly not getting these issues with the new module. Did with the of module

I DMd them on facebook https://www.facebook.com/YaleUK/

just refer them to this thread.


Ha! You didn’t even wait for me to test it! :slight_smile:

Don’t take this as looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I noticed a typo in KeyfreeConnected-plus.xml, which got copied across to KeylessConnected-plus.xml. I think this is a bug:

And I think there’s no need to have KeylessConnected-plus.xml and KeyfreeConnected-plus.xml, as the files are identical.

I’ll make some comments on your PR.

I don’t know much about how the OZW files work but there is a difference between the keyless and keyfree devices - they are different hardware.

please do if there is something amiss!

@jamesking they are different but the config parameters are the same


Good that you’ve got thick skin!

The main reference was: https://products.z-wavealliance.org/ProductManual/File?folder=&filename=Manuals/2576/Instruction%20Manual%20V2b.pdf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product xmlns='http://code.google.com/p/open-zwave/'>
<!-- Yale Keyfree Connected (YKFCON)
<!-- Yale Keyless Connected (YD-01-CON)
	<!-- Configuration -->
	<CommandClass id="112">
		<Value type="list" size="1" genre="config" instance="1" index="1" label="Volume Level" value="3">
			<Help>Volume of the keypad tones and any voice prompts (default = 3, high)</Help>
			<Item label="Silent" value="1" />
			<Item label="Low" value="2" />
			<Item label="High" value="3" />
		<Value type="list" size="1" genre="config" instance="1" index="2" label="Auto Relock" value="0">
			<Help>Enable or disable the Auto relock feature (default = 255, enable)</Help>
			<Item label="Enable" value="255" />
			<Item label="Disable" value="0" />
		<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="3" label="Relock Time" size="1" min="7" max="60" units="seconds" value="7">
			<Help>After successful local unlock, automatically relock after the specified time (default = 7 seconds)</Help>
		<Value type="byte" genre="config" instance="1" index="6" label="Remote Relock Time" size="1" min="10" max="90" units="seconds" value="10">
			<Help>After successful remote unlock, automatically relock after the specified time (default = 10 seconds)</Help>
	<CommandClass id="113">
		<!-- These Door Locks don't send a DoorLockReport when the
		Lock Status is Changed, but instead send a Alarm Message -
		So we trigger a Refresh of the DoorLock Command Class when
		we recieve a Alarm Message Instead -->
		<TriggerRefreshValue Genre="user" Index="0" Instance="1">
			<RefreshClassValue CommandClass="98" RequestFlags="0" Index="1" Instance="1" />
	<!-- Association Groups -->
	<CommandClass id="133">
		<Associations num_groups="1">
			<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Lifeline"/>

ah they must have updated their manual with that extra page since the original PR thanks!

@zxdavb PR updated thanks for the input!

its merged now if you do an update_config call in zwave service in HA it will update you local config files.

Man, that was so quick. It took me over 3 weeks to get my PR into home assistant!

Will try this p.m.

yeah if its just a config file and you follow the template then usually its within a day as its unlikely to break things.

Unfortunately, it didn’t make any difference to my life - set lock to pairing mode, and absolutely nothing appears in HA log, nor OZW log. They were 2ft apart.

I am thinking the next step is to do a factory reset (I haven’t tried that yet), but there are 5 sets of keys to re-program!

that is the next step… either that or your module is faulty…

Hi guys

My yale conexis l1 is expected tomorrow and I would love to add it to HA

Could someone please recommend a z wave stick, as this will be my first z device and is there an issue with the module 2 or just earlier versions?


Hi! I use this one:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Everspring-SA413-Z-Wave-Plus-USB-Adapter-Stick/282638002736 it really is that cheap. Works with the conexis fine as far as I can see.

With regard z wave module. Some module 2s have problems, some don’t. I bought from amazon. Had a problem. I got sent an identical model 2 as a replacement from Yale which appears to be fine (it was a replacement but they didn’t require the old one back). Apparently a firmware issue, and the firmware can only be updated in factory.

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I’ll see if I can contact yale and ask them to help me track down a good one.

What information can you pull from the lock?

I just installed the Yale Conexis L1 lock and ZWave 2 module. HA picked it up on the first attempt and so far it seems to be working OK. I’ve looked at the ZWave info but there is no mention of firmware version so I don’t know if my module is up to date, but so far, so good.