It seems to me that I had named it screen in the past and had those commands Ig? I still don’t think either of them work because I’ve never had the screen working. The command I trained I named screenDown not “pause” so I don’t know what that’s about other than it not liking my camel caps, but I’m going to test that as well and see if it does anything.
Ok, I’m flying blind here because you don’t describe how you’re sending the commands.
However, if you’re doing this using the call_service from dev tools, try sending the base64 version. I copied and modified this directly from the docs, so you might need to mess around with it, but I’m using your code for down:
EDIT: In case I’m not here to reply, save your commands in a script and try sending those instead. You’ve got plenty of examples in the Broadlink Docs.
I’m running yours now… there was no difference I think. It ran, nothing moved. I’m going to fuss around with a few of these different codes and get back you all if nothing works. Thank you again.
Okay I tried that and it didn’t work, I did also add a space between the code and “‘b64:’” I also tried it with my candles on command which worked flawlessly. I tried to get some more codes to run this way because I didn’t trust pause or any of the screen device commands, but I haven’t been able to have any of these new learned commands show up in this file with the codes. I did the steps exactly as I have in the past, and I restarted File Editor addon and restarted home assistant when that didn’t work. I also tried doing it under a new device name when learning the command and that also did not work. So, I’m stuck again. I will happily blindly follow instructions from you all when you have the time to give them to me. Thank you!!
Last suggestion I can give, because I’m all out of ideas.
Record your down command 10 different times, maybe calling it down1, down2 etc.
When you’re done, open the file and check if those 10 commands are exactly the same. If they’re not, then your remote sends rolling codes and there’s no easy way to send commands I’m afraid.
I’ve also had difficulty in getting my Broadlink to record RF commands via Home Assistant. Much of the problem stems from how the remote learn command requires you to hold a button down for the frequency scan then press again to record the actual command.
The good news is the underlying broadlink python package was updated last week to support a specified frequency mode. See Version 19.0 lets you specify the frequency as a parameter and have the Broadlink listen for and record just the command. I’ve used this to capture all my remote codes and it works great. You can then add these recorded commands to Home Assistant.
would this work if I dont have a physical remote? my case is that i’m using the broadlink app to control 3 RF blinds at home. I’m not able to get the RF code as broadlink rmpro is the one firing off the commands while i’m using the app to trigger it.
I don’t think this will work unfortunately. The program tells you the commands your Broadlink device is receiving. I doubt it will listen for a code it also sends. For this, I think you would need a second RM4 Pro or a different RF sensor/blaster.
I finally get it work after many trials. It worked with RM Pro.
First I deleted all the learned but not working codes in broadline_code file under ‘.storage’. using samba share, go to config folder and look for .storage folder which is hidden folder
Then I start with learning one button first. Keep checking the same file and if i works, there should be a new code starting with “sxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” (see the attached photo) and if it doesn’t work or can’t be captured, the file will not even update or getting a code starting with “sxxxxxxxx” which I would know to do it again.
Then follow the usual procedure to developer tools> learn command.
When you press “call services” then in the left notification you should receive a message saying “sweeping frequency - Press and hold the button you want to learn”(1st notification). At this point you can open the notification before you press the remote button. From you have to react quickly thereafter, once you press and hold button (first press), do NOT look at the broadlink device, just look at the HA screen when you do it. How long do you need to do the first press depends on when will the 1st notification disappear.
Once the 1st notification disappear you have to quickly release the remote button.
Then after 2-3s later, there will be a 2nd notification in the left column (if you have no notifications before, it means you will see a yellow circle with “1”). Then immediately, do not waste time to open that notification and just quickly press the remote button again (“2nd press”). If you do it right, there will be a green check at the bottom right, and also the 2nd notification will disappear too.
There you go. you can check the broadline_code file to see if the RF code is successfully captured.
The key difference from what I read from other posts is - you don’t need to read what the LED is showing or blinking while learning. You just need to look at the HA screen.
If you can learn the first button, it means you can do the rest easily.
I hope the above helps as I couldn’t find it in other posts easily the detailed procedures.