Yeah, you have a point there. I’m all out of ideas then, sorry.
Last resort, just remembered I was involved in another post with a similar issue. Try decoding the code like the other guy did.
Yeah, you have a point there. I’m all out of ideas then, sorry.
Last resort, just remembered I was involved in another post with a similar issue. Try decoding the code like the other guy did.
lol, I’ll dig into this thread! <3
Currently I’m trying this method:
I’ve also had difficulty in getting my Broadlink to record RF commands via Home Assistant. Much of the problem stems from how the remote learn command requires you to hold a button down for the frequency scan then press again to record the actual command.
The good news is the underlying broadlink python package was updated last week to support a specified frequency mode. See Version 19.0 lets you specify the frequency as a parameter and have the Broadlink listen for and record just the command. I’ve used this to capture all my remote codes and it works great. You can then add these recorded commands to Home Assistant.
The main documentation hasn’t caught up yet but you can figure it out from the patch if needed
I mostly used a Raspberry Pi for my recordings but it should also work from Windows.
pip3 install broadlink
Download &
Use to find your Broadlink device details and save them in RM4PRO.device.
Mine looks like this (somewhat redacted):
0x5213 192.168.x.xx ec0bae------
Scan a command:
./broadlink_cli --device @RM4PRO.device --frequency 433.92 --rflearn --learnfile scan.txt
Have the Broadlink send the command to see if the projector reacts properly:
./broadlink_cli --device @RM4PRO.device --send @scan.txt
If the recorded code works ok, encode it from hex to base64 via
Paste the base64 into your broadlink_remote_xxxxxxxxxxx_codes file and test it from Home Assistant.
Good luck!
would this work if I dont have a physical remote? my case is that i’m using the broadlink app to control 3 RF blinds at home. I’m not able to get the RF code as broadlink rmpro is the one firing off the commands while i’m using the app to trigger it.
I don’t think this will work unfortunately. The program tells you the commands your Broadlink device is receiving. I doubt it will listen for a code it also sends. For this, I think you would need a second RM4 Pro or a different RF sensor/blaster.
I’m just a novice though.
I found the solution in reddit forum.
Below is bit modified version of above thread.
I finally get it work after many trials. It worked with RM Pro.
I hope the above helps as I couldn’t find it in other posts easily the detailed procedures.